What are YOU currently playing?

Just finished AC: Brotherhood;

Didn't have a clue what the hell was going on in the final 2 sequences, nor do I have any idea what the final part with Desmond is all about. Found some really big flaws with the game story line apart; the camera constantly getting caught behind foliage was a real pain in the rectum and the pop up scenery/loading textures is about 10 times worse than that in AC2 (not great for a newer game in this era)

I can see why people think AC2 is the best in the series thus far and I'm inclined to agree tbh.

I've just finished this too and can't disagree with what you've put. It was a good game though but 2 is better.

I've been out of action for a week so I've got through quite a bit of my backlog.
As well as finishing AC:BH I've finished Vanquish which was excellent, Fallout New Vegas which by the end i preferred to 3 and i went back to Divinity 2 after 18 months and really enjoyed it. Whilst there are certainly better rpgs it's better than Risen and Two Worlds imo and well worth a play.

I've now started Dungeon Siege 3, Torchlight and gone back to have a second go at Red Dead which I gave up with a year ago.
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... and gone back to have a second go at Red Dead which I gave up with a year ago.

Good move.

I give up on it when it first came out. Just finished it yesterday and am still riding around the amazing world hunting and what not. When I finished GTA IV story, I never loaded it again, not so with Red Dead.

Just finished AC: Brotherhood;

Didn't have a clue what the hell was going on in the final 2 sequences, nor do I have any idea what the final part with Desmond is all about. Found some really big flaws with the game story line apart; the camera constantly getting caught behind foliage was a real pain in the rectum and the pop up scenery/loading textures is about 10 times worse than that in AC2 (not great for a newer game in this era)

I can see why people think AC2 is the best in the series thus far and I'm inclined to agree tbh.

I also prefered AC2 to Brotherhood. I didn't really experience any of the problems you have described in BH though. Just slightly prefered the story in 2.
Xbox I'm playing Black Ops. I have unopened copies of Vanquish, FO:NV, Fable 3 still but much prefer Multi Player games.
I am currently playing Demons Souls, I know its over a year old cant beleive I missed out on this amazing action RPG.
Was palying ME2 when this landed in the post, will go back to ME2 at some stage just cant put this damn game down.........too good.

(also need to get back to Infamous2, need to stop doing this. I usualy finish a game first them move on to the next. I always finish a game first then pick up the new one.)
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I'm not really sure what to play at the moment, nothing seems to grab me. Is LA Noir as good as they say it is?
I've just started a second playthrough of Bioshock, as I've only played it once and I want to get some of the remaining achievements. I'm only just into the medical pavilion but damn, this game is scary. It's amazing what you can do when you take your time with some solid art direction and sounds. It's really creepy. I love the feeling you get wandering around, like you're witnessing the aftermath of something truly terrible. I think the only game that's done it better was System Shock 2 itself.
I'm about 4 hours into Nier and absolutely loving this little gem. An action JRPG it's got a really engrossing story and occasional quirky pseudo side scrolling shooter & platform sections. It's also probably got the best music I've heard from a game for a long time. Recommended.
Started to play Fallout 3 again after leaving it for about 7 months. Decided to start from the beginning. What a bloody good game.

I seem to be enjoying it more this time now I have an idea of what im doing.
EyePet, with my son.

MGS 4, for the first time ever, after having it sat in my games draw for well over 2 years. I can't beleive I've never played it, it really does exceed all the hype, it's amazing:eek:
should i get Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?

Hmmm, its a tough one. Im sure someone else could give a more educated view.

I would say go with Fallout 3 to start with. I seem to buy what was released first and then play through the addons afterwards. I have not bought vegas yet as ive only just started Fallout 3 again.
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