What are YOU currently playing?

Playing through MGS4 again, it's the first play through since they added trophy support and looking at the list I don't think I'll collect more than 9 or 10 in a standard play and can't really be bothered completing it again multiple times. :(
Metroid Prime 3 (via Dolphin Emulator)

My favorite game series period.

The Metroid Prime games are absolutely spectacular. The cost to pick up the MP3 trilogy on the Wii is ludicrous these days.


I'm playing Arkham City again, as I picked it up cheap on ebay. Also got Skyrim to go back to when I'm done with Arkham City, and I'm expecting Tomb Raider Anniversary from ebay any day now.

Also need to get in some practise on Forza 4, as we're having a competition at work to raise money for charity in a couple of weeks!
Kirby's Epic Yarn on Wii.

Gameplay is simplistic but fun, except laying down train tracks which can be frustrating. Music is seriously catchy.
Started playing Catherine in the last few days, but I can't get into it at all.

Really well made game, but unfortunately I find the puzzle frustratingly boring. Not sure I should give it more of a chance or not.
A few things:

WiiU - Lego City Undercover & Sonic All Stars Racing

PS3 - Crysis 2 & Killzone 2 (doing a playthrough of KZ2/3 & Resistance 1/2/3)

Dreamcast - Shenmue 1 (paused until I get a VGA adaptor as I will need to start a new save)

Xbox - Halo 2 & XIII (got some other games to start but want to finish these first).

PS1 - MGS1 in preparation for MGS2 on the PS2 (which oddly despite completing the first one multiple times I have never played).

PC (included as what the hell) - Dead Island in Eyefinity.

Multiple other games across all the formats to either start or complete. :p
Playing the community test chambers in Portal 2. Some amazing ones in there and almost infinite possibilities. Really makes for an interesting experience. Some fantastic maps.
God of war ascension

OH my god the attention to detail and sense of scale is unreal! Really pushing the system now! It is just another god of war tho but i find myself amazed at how it looks
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