What are you like as a drunk?

Borris said:
I shout at pigeons in the park.
Tell me about it. Dirty vermin, always crapping all over my bed... it's enough to make you think about jacking it in and going to live the rest of your life on a bench. Except that you already do. Haha!
Gilly said:
I'm lucky with my dancing, I just get faster when I'm drunk.

Photos never capture the moment right.
Arcade Fire said:
Aren't you married?

Perhaps you're using 'cop off' in a different sense to that in which I understand it...

Aye, but then I haven't been drunk since about a year before I was married.

Well, I was fairly drunk on my stag do but I kept myself in check.
I have no idea, I usually get more chatty.... ask me after the Edinburgh meet (I don't go out drinking much anymore).

...although if the object of my affection is about I tend to get awfully.....err :o Red wine makes it ten times worse..... oh well :)
Gilly, is the guy to your left (on the right hand side of pic) coming onto the floor or something? :p
I usually get more confident and chatty/loud/lairy but I can also become an acerbic sarcastic one-liner witch.
I get louder and more confident. Generally all of my common sense goes out of the window, but I'm quickly brought back to being semi sensible if someone else needs looking after.

I generally tend to do my best not to get any further than tipsy unless I'm with people who know me quite well. I have been known to do some pretty :o stuff and far too much photographis evidence seems to be captured.

I have also been known to get fairly aggressive, but generally it's a positive thing. I did once stop a girl from potentially being raped as we were making our way to the taxi office at the end of the night.
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