What are you passionate about?

Sounds like @GreatAuk, @Roff, @Martynt74 and I are on the same page.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing; I certainly enjoy having a range of interests and I love the phrase "knowing just enough about a subject to be dangerous". :D

Posting in GD.

On a more serious note, cars are probably the closest I get to being passionate about something. I would certainly say I used to be passionate about them and I'm still into them to some extent, but these days I find it hard to get truly excited about anything.

I know what you mean, maybe it just comes with age.

Something else I've found is that my free time is so limited. To really get into something, I would have to prioritise that one thing over all of my other interests and I guess because I'm not truly passionate about any of them, the sacrifice doesn't seem worth it.

@cheesefest's example is interesting. How did you become so interested in such a niche subject and is it a hobby or is it related to your work? Are you a historian or an academic, or are you just really into the subject?
Well computers, obviously. It was my first real passion and while it has waned a little in recent years I am still genuinely interested in many aspects of them.

My next passion has changed a bit. I have always loved cars but more recently I've become interested in motorbikes.

Third? Can I get a joke in here about Jesus' crack?
Bodyboarding, perfecting new tricks and hanging around the coast, seeing a hurricane off the coast of america turn into a long period swell here. Just mooching in Cornwall, finding new places, using the garden but not gardning really
I'm similar to the OP. I don't have the interest, willingness or perceived use of deep-diving into any particular topic. I do like having a general view and understanding of most things, and I read the news a lot, as I consider that to be more useful day to day.

I also have a terrible memory for anything which isn't bound by logic, names of people in particular, and this is often one of the cornerstones of a deeper knowledge into almost anything (interestingly the only two examples you gave are basically memories of people's names).
Cars - whether it's fixing them, watching racing, sim racing, photographing them, modelling them in 3d or reading/watching about the new technologies and engineering going in to them.
I'll tell you when I find some.

I guess lambasting Gareth Southgate is one thing I'm passionate about, currently. But that's for another forum (and we've done it to death there anyhow...)

Oh dear a communism studier / Trotskyist that doesn't seem to know about McCarthyism....

The Red Scare (1947-57) was a decade-long period of intense anti-communist paranoia in the United States. During this period, millions of ordinary Americans were paralysed by an irrational fear of ‘Reds under the bed’ – the belief that thousands of communist agents and sympathisers were secretly living amongst them, plotting or waiting to overthrow the government.

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Quantum Physics is a passion for me, wish I had studied it at Uni instead of going down the Biology route. So I'm just an enthusiastic amateur, but love reading all I can about every latest development.
I'm partial to F5 myself.

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