Just finished the entire Expanse series last week
Just under 3 months til book 9, hope they can write a satisfying conclusion.
Just finished the entire Expanse series last week
Now reading The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It gets name checked by people like Stephen King as a classic horror story.
It is, but probably not of the sort you are expecting. It's purely psychological horror.
I'm near the end of "The Mirror and the Light". I'd say this trilogy has got better as it went along, or I've got more used to the writing style.
Its one of the more challenging Fantasy series initially, the first book especially. You're thrown into a world, and the book doesn't handhold you and explain how things work, which many readers find tough. It also bounces between locations and characters a lot in the first half of the series. About 90% of the cast in Book 2 are completely new, and then more of the Book 1 cast return later in the series. It can be jarring and it doesn't make it the easiest story to follow on your first time read-through.
Those are the negatives, but if we're talking positives then it is extremely well written, it for the most part strikes the perfect balance between tension and humor. There are sections of this book that will utterly break your heart, its absolutely brutal in places, but its never brutal just for the sake of it and its always to drive the story forward. It does navel gaze a little from time to time, but this doesn't detract from what an absolutely fantastic read the series is.
I've read a lot of fantasy, I doubt there is a major fantasy series out there that I haven't been through a couple of times and in my opinion this is by far the best, well clear of everything else.
Turns out I do own the first book on my kindle and got a bit of the way through.
I may give it another shot as it sounds like it's worth it in the end.
I'm not a big reader, trying to get into it more. Could you suggest maybe some easier Fantasy reads? You sound like you know your stuff! Would love some recommendations
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson is a good place to start, very enjoyable read.
If you prefer things a little bit darker give Joe Abercrombie a try, start with the 'First Law' series. The story isn't as strong as some of the more 'epic' fantasy series, but his characterisation is second to none and the dialogue between characters is frequently hilarious.
I'm not a big reader myself, nearly all the 'reading' I do is via audiobooks as it allows me to 'read' while out walking, trying to drift off to sleep, etc.
Currently reading SPQR by Mary Beard, a change of tack from the usual Sci-Fi etc. Really well written and approachable book. Enjoying it immensely.
@Earth[Tera].bin Glad you're enjoying them, they're a thoroughly fun romp through the Napoleonic era Navy. Although it's fiction it brings to life the nature of life back then and how hard and dangerous it was at sea.