What book are you reading...

Is there a particular order to read the Cosmere books? I read they are all interconnected despite being separate?

This is the one I'm (roughly) following:

I'm listening to the audiobooks. Since the end of November I've gone through the first Mistborn trilogy (AMAZING), Warbreaker (took a while to get into, but also great - I loved the magic system in this), and today I've finished The Way of Kings (45 hours of audio for just that book!). I'm going straight on to Words of Radiance now as I'm hooked!
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I'm reading through the Discworld series again. Unfortunately just got to Thud! - which is excellent, but is also the last book before the embuggerance clearly effected his writing. Next will be Unseen Academicals, which is when characters started to have constant long monologues (which I've always suspected is a consequence of him dictating the books rather than typing them himself, thereby losing a natural self-editing step). Still readable books with great ideas, but harder to read and saddening at the same time.

Once I've finished these - I'll be starting from scratch with the Stormlight Archive in order to start the new 5th book properly primed.
If I remember correctly Thud has the The Watchman which is one of my favourite sequences of writing in the whole Discworld Saga.
Hey all, can someone explain to me about the Shawshank books? There look to be be two or three versions. I believe Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is the original? I can only find a 4 hour audiobook called simply The Shawshank Redemption. If I'm reading and listening, will they be the same? (There is also The Shawshank Redemption: Different Seasons, which looks to be perhaps a sequel?)
I think Different Seasons is the collection of novellas that Rita Heyworth and The Shawshank Redemption is part of. So not a sequel.
Ahh thanks, so I would be better off using 1 credit on Different Seasons. Also, so the movie is based on a novella, so 4 hours for the audiobook is probably about right?
Definitely worth getting the collection. It also contains The Body which was made into Stand by Me as well as Apt Pupil. Both are excellent. The last novella The Breathing Method was just to weird for me.

The novella is just over 100 pages, so 4 hours sounds right. I enjoyed the novella so much I avoided the movie for a long time, but for once both are brilliant and add layers to each other.
Definitely worth getting the collection. It also contains The Body which was made into Stand by Me as well as Apt Pupil. Both are excellent. The last novella The Breathing Method was just to weird for me.

The novella is just over 100 pages, so 4 hours sounds right. I enjoyed the novella so much I avoided the movie for a long time, but for once both are brilliant and add layers to each other.
In my opinion King is at his best in short form either short stories or novellas. I remember enjoying the book of the langoliers although I can't remember the collection it's in off the top of my head

My absolute fav king collection is the Bachmann Books. The Long Walk and The Running Man being both in there. The Long Walk is my absolute favourite King novella and Frank Darabont of The Walking Dead fame is adapting it to be released as a movie soon.
I've recently finished Empire of the Damned and Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff. Even though they are not something I would normally read I enjoyed them both, just annoyed that I've got to wait for the next one to be released!!

I am a massive fan of DnD books and have read all the novels released since the 80s. However, not many are getting released now so I'm in a bit of a rut as what to read next. I do like fantasy books and have read quite a few Warhammer 40k books (the majority of the Horus Heresy as well as several others). Can anyone recommend any new fantasy writers/books to read?
Just finished Empire of Silence (The Sun Eater, #1) by Christopher Ruocchio.

I had high hopes as it's a very popular book. I thought it dragged, especially in the middle. 6/10
I think I might still try Howling Dark (Sun Eater, #2). It's supposed to be much better.

But before that, I'm going to experience my first Dick, Ubik by Philip K. Dick. Been reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy for many years, somehow PKD escaped me.
This is the one I'm (roughly) following:

I'm listening to the audiobooks. Since the end of November I've gone through the first Mistborn trilogy (AMAZING), Warbreaker (took a while to get into, but also great - I loved the magic system in this), and today I've finished The Way of Kings (45 hours of audio for just that book!). I'm going straight on to Words of Radiance now as I'm hooked!
The Way of Kings is amazing.
I decided to re-read The Wheel Of Time.

Book 0.5 New Spring, quite slow going but it gives some history on Moiraine and her search for The Dragon Reborn, not sure its really needed for a new reader to begin with this book but it does help with the back story.

Book 1 The Dragon Reborn, really enjoyed this, reminds me why i loved this series and wanted to re-read them again
So i finished The wheel of time series. 6 months isn't too bad for 14 large books.
I enjoyed it more the first time of reading it (obvious) and i doubt will ever read it again.
Its has many good parts but Jordan did have a bad habit and just writing waffle, there are many peaks and troughs but to a new reader, keep at it.
The pacing definitely picks up for the last 3 books by Sanderson.
I finished Wheel Of Time a couple of weeks ago, not bad overall even if the last book was essentially a 900 page battle scene.

Since returned to The Witcher. Of the "core" books 1 to 3 are the best with the story largely told sequentially. Starts to go a bit off the boil in Book 4 and now in The Lady Of The Lake, where the whole narration assumes a history lesson told countless years in the future!
Still working my way through Black Hawk Down. I also got Michael Durant's book (one of the chopper pilots) to read as soon as I finish BHD. Then I'll watch the show on Netflix. I get mildly obsessed with certain media niches lol.

On a side note... there's some pretty serious accusations being thrown at Daniel Greene (Fantasy booktuber). I've spent lots of time watching his videos. No response from him yet, but people are already distancing themselves and the allegations seem to have some legs to them :(.
Some contrasting views above.

I thank you both for the replies as it's given me motivation to soldier on. I had stopped for a few days.

I have a leather bound trilogy. But honestly after that I'll shift to kindle. It's a big book hard to hold comfortably in bed.
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