What book are you reading...

Slowly reading G.K Chesterton's - The man who was Thursday

I've listened to that on audiobook via Librivox.

I've just finished Two Caravans my second book by Marina Lewycka and it was just as enjoyable as We Are All Made of Glue

Two Caravans is the story of migrant workers working in UK and the perils they face, told in with great humour.
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I've listened to that on audiobook via Librivox.

I've just finished Two Caravans my second book by Marina Lewycka and it was just as enjoyable as We Are All Made of Glue

Two Caravans is the story of migrant workers working in UK and the perils they face, told in with great humour.

Pretty good isn't it? I read it last year in Greece in two sittings.

If you find the migrant workers experience (in fiction) interesting, take a look at 'The Road Home'. One of THE best books I've ever read. Written by an English woman but really gives an insight into 'their' world. It's not humorous but it's humane.
Finally gave up not he Covenant books before I start self harming :p really didn't get on with them at all so they are on my rubbish heap, which I will only ever go back to if nothing left to read.

Reading Jonny Got His Gun now.
Pretty good isn't it? I read it last year in Greece in two sittings.

If you find the migrant workers experience (in fiction) interesting, take a look at 'The Road Home'. One of THE best books I've ever read. Written by an English woman but really gives an insight into 'their' world. It's not humorous but it's humane.

Yeah it was very good. Only got to reading Marina Lewycka as one of her books was in a load I got for free off Freecycle. She is a very skilled writer. I look forward to reading the two I haven't read. History of Tractors in Ukrainian and Various Pets Alive and Dead.

I've just found Treasure Island on one of my bookcases so will give that a start tonight as I have never read it or even seen a film adaptation
Currently reading Caliban's War by James Corey.

Much like the first book of the series Leviathan Wakes, it is a really solid space opera with a slight smattering of author fantasy in the shape of the main character. Otherwise solidly written so far and am already looking forward to the third.
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Inferno by Dan Brown, about 75% through & it is pretty much going like every other DB book. I love the way he describes his locations, I only wish he could do characters as well.
I'm about halfway through The Carpet People by Terry Pratchett.

Picked this up for a re-read out of nostalgia. I had forgotten just how slim the early Pratchett books were. Nice world building, just wish it was meatier.
Inferno by Dan Brown, about 75% through & it is pretty much going like every other DB book. I love the way he describes his locations, I only wish he could do characters as well.

Finished it the other day, I thought it was poor and definitely his worst yet. 3 cities were too many for what he does and I found the plot and puzzles less imaginative and more predictable than in his previous books.

Away to start Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings, epic fantasy to get over Dan Brown's epic product placement :)
Just finished it too, it was ok, better than some but not one I will read again.

Although I do enjoy how he paints you a picture of everywhere the characters are I do find that it takes away the urgency which the book keeps on repeating is there, what I mean is that they are meant to be racing around finding clues & then moving on when he takes up 4-5 pages describing the room they are in.

I enjoyed it but it is no Da Vinci.
Well I finished Treasure Island yesterday and was not at all impressed.

Just a straight story with no sub-plots or message behind the story to think about.

Also far too short.

Okay it was written 130 years ago but so was Anna Karenina.

Maybe I was hoping for too much.

Going to start The Day After Tomorrow later today

Changed my mind I am going to start the Alex Cross series by James Patterson.

I've got the first 18 in series so will work my way through.
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The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown. Another good page turner by DB. Interesting plot, exciting story, far fetched, predictable twist at the end.

Thanks desires, i will be reading Post Office next. :)
Just finished it too, it was ok, better than some but not one I will read again.

Although I do enjoy how he paints you a picture of everywhere the characters are I do find that it takes away the urgency which the book keeps on repeating is there, what I mean is that they are meant to be racing around finding clues & then moving on when he takes up 4-5 pages describing the room they are in.

I enjoyed it but it is no Da Vinci.

That's my qualm too. While I enjoy his descriptive writing, I find myself just glancing over it and reading again when dialogue starts or something happens. He takes his descriptions too far. It's nice, but too far.
Just starting to read Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself. It was either that, or Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings - but I fancy myself a bit of grimdark to keep me going ;)

Got these pretty things a few days ago. Already read The Time Machine. Going to finish off A Feast for Crows before starting Fear and Loathing. I still have about 200 pages of Feast left though so will be a couple of days I imagine. I'm still deciding whether to read them all before starting dance with dragons or just a couple of them. Time will tell :p

So a few days turned into 7 but I have now finished Feast. Annoyingly (as with every ASOIF book) I desperately want to start the next right away. That's not healthy though, I'm just about to start fear and loathing in Las Vegas properly, I just read the first two pages and I can already tell this will be finished upsettingly quickly.

I sincerely wish I started reading books at an earlier age, I barely read at all until I was about 20, in the years since I've read close to a book a month (on average)
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, fascinating but has to be done in *multiple* sittings which really pulls on the concentration to remember everything
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