What bugs you (if anything) about Oblivion?

17 Feb 2003

I know there have already been plenty of Oblivion threads, but I can't remember seeing one dedicated to the 'weaker' areas of the game.

Now this isn't a 'knock Oblivion' type thread - I love the game, and as this goes out am currently around 120 hours into it. There are however, a couple of things that really can bug me about the gameplay - but the one I thought I'd mention here is the stupidity of NPC's at times!

How many times have you had to restart a quest because the idiot of an NPC decides to dive between you and the target you're fighting!!? :confused: I'm currently on my 4th attempt at 'Where Spirits Have Lease' in Anvil because of just this problem - every time I start fighting the ghosts in the manor house, Velwyn Benirus jumps in the way of one of my swings, and so decides he has to fight me instead!! :mad:

I've had this happen in other quests/situations too, but not as bad as this.

Any aspect of the game frustrate/anger/irritate you?
deSade said:
every time I start fighting the ghosts in the manor house, Velwyn Benirus jumps in the way of one of my swings, and so decides he has to fight me instead!! :mad:

Just hold block and press A when facing him then, he should yield and stop fighting with you.
Quite a few things. The (now) persistent hangs during loading. Its getting to the point where I can only travel to about three different area's before the game hangs (even when I clear the cache regularly). :\

The stupidity of NPCs discussion items. Ever asked Lex about the Gray Fox? "Ohh.. he's that thief the Imperial Guard are always on about"!? You what? He's that thief YOU are always on about!! Plenty of examples like that.

The way sometimes NPC's can see you even when you are an expert sneak AND invisible... they just follow you around.

They way when you are 'sliding' you can't jump. I can understand why they did it, but damn, its annoying. Its also got me stuck in the scenery a couple of times.

The way some of the missions don't have map markers when they clearly should - like when you are doing shrine missions - it wont mark which shrine it is on the map to return to :\

The way I have some items in my possession worth over 20,000 gold, but the highest amount any shop keeper will give me is 1,200. But I guess that goes hand in hand with the fact I have over 500,000 in gold, but have nothing to do with it. I have bought all the properties and furnished them fully - and all my gear is far better than anything I can buy. The only thing I tend to buy is hammers - that is until I become a master (very shortly). Gold seems a bit pointless.

I am sure there are more. But hey, it sounds like I hate this game, but I don't, I love it. I've at level 43 and 140 hours into it, and I have only completed the Mages Guild quest line. :D Still, niggles are niggles :p
That annoys me as well. I'd been playing along trying not to do anything evil when i noticed that i seem to have 3 or 4 murders in my stats. I can only assume its the daft guards getting in my way when closing Oblivion gates as i hadnt actually gone out and killed anyone.

The other thing that annoyed me is theres no room for mistakes. I got on the wrong horse by accident when you get the priors horse near the start, the next thing i know all hell breaks lose, and the two people i am meant to be travelling with start attacking me. Only way past this was to quit and restart from a save.
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Davey_Pitch said:
Just hold block and press A when facing him then, he should yield and stop fighting with you.
Tried that Davey, but it didn't seem to work - he just kept coming at me!! I've finally done it now, on the fifth attempt!

But my, don't you get a nice house out of it!! :)

Its also got me stuck in the scenery a couple of times.
This has annoyed me as well MadFruit - I've got stuck in the scenary a good 4 or 5 times!
I also wanted to like it, but couldn't

Being pedantic, and not bugs per se, but I hate it when a character moves sideways, yet the direction of their legs remains in a forward motion - hate it - if you can make some bluebells sway in the wind, you can bloody well make the character move convincingly.

Also, the character acting is somewhat El-Dorado esq.
Most of my hates have already been mentioned, but one that really grates is when you unwittingly commit a crime and immediately a guard (through some sort of spidey-sense) comes running at you to send you to prison. A couple of times I haven't even realised I've committed a crime - it'd be nice if something appeared to say 'You committed the crime of stealing' if you commit the act and currently have no outstanding crimes.

Another annoyance is the seemingly erratic sneak system. In the dark I can sometimes walk up to an enemies face and hit him twice with a sword sneak attack. Other times I'll fire an arrow from miles away in the pitch black and the enemy will come charging for me.

Edit for another:

If it's snowing and you step sideways, the snow follows your view. Not important and probably very difficult for them to code, but just one of those things you notice.
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For me, the similarity between characters in both looks and voiceovers was offputting.
its like there's ten characters in the game, and they're all slightly disguised to give the illusion of being 1000s of characters in-game, remove one guys hat, and he's a character from another city with another name and the same voice!!!
got on my wick anyways :D
Being stuck on scenery, crashing more than any other 360 game and the annoying pausing as it loads scenery in.

If I was on any quests with NPC's I would leave them at the dungeon entrance if possible and just go back for them once I'd killed everything, saves hitting them when they walk in front of you.
My biggest problem is the guy who sells you the skindred house committed suicide. I came across his body at the bottom of the bridge, only to find out that lots of other people had the same thing happen.

And lately, I have fast traveled into a town, and someone instantly started attacking me. Then the guards come kill them. This has happened in 3 occasions, once was in the Imperial Market and 4 people were slain. What quests am I going to miss out on because of that?
thefranklin said:
My biggest problem is the guy who sells you the skindred house committed suicide. I came across his body at the bottom of the bridge, only to find out that lots of other people had the same thing happen.
Ahh - that must be what's happened to me as well. I've been trying to find him for ages with no luck - he's never in the castle, never in the town! Important NPC's falling off the scenary, now that is bad - I guess that scenario's out of the window now!! :(
thefranklin said:
My biggest problem is the guy who sells you the skindred house committed suicide. I came across his body at the bottom of the bridge, only to find out that lots of other people had the same thing happen.

And lately, I have fast traveled into a town, and someone instantly started attacking me. Then the guards come kill them. This has happened in 3 occasions, once was in the Imperial Market and 4 people were slain. What quests am I going to miss out on because of that?
Could that be because you are half way through the main quest? I found that random people turned into Mythic Dawn peeps and tried to kill me - thats when the guards and town people step in to help.
I agree with most of the above but add.........

I dont like the complete freedom you get (calm down i will explane)

I love the game its great but the fact that i can go anywhere and find good stuff eairly sometimes makes part of the game redundtent.
What i am trying to say is i am the kind of player who with a game of this type likes to do 100% or as close to as is possable,but because i can go find some nice weapons eairly in the game etc it makes all the other dungons caves and alike that have weaker weapons and worse stuff kinda boring

If that makes sense
Well the broken quests annoy me. There have been 3 quests where I've had to use a mod or console command to fix it. Friendly characters getting in the way annoys me too. Also the random crashes when I save is very annoying. Would be fine if I could just go back to the last quick save but because it only keeps a single quicksave it just gets overwritten with a corrupt file. One last thing that annoys me is that I paid for the two addons and the installer crashes.

It's much nicer reading this thread than ones on the official TES forums. I think 70% of the people there just go on the forums to say how crap they think the game is.
The game in general bugged me. Probably one of the most over hyped and over rated games ever made.
Biggest problem i found was the levelling, or more correctly the balancing of enemies vs the player. In short the game is just as 'hard' whether you are level 3 or 30.

Simply put wherever you slide the erratic difficulty slider only adjusts enemies difficulty +- relatively to you. Because of this a low level carchter can do challenges like the arena. Now who am i to say that the ultimate arena grand master warrior should just possibly be a bit tougher that your average sword wielding thug, i mean its the basic equivalent of me going out and beating the Heavyweight Champ without any training.

This also rears its ugly head in random encounters. Beyond level 30 your char is all but untouchable and the treasure is huge with every tom-dick-and-harry carrying ebony/glass armour etc.

Modders have all but fixed this on PC (as well as most other bugs) and certainly when i have a good enough PC again this is where ill be playing.

Generally tho this levelling complaint is my gripe for the 360 as doing pretty much anything now at lev 37 is pretty pointless and boring because theres no challenge to it, i fear the main quest which im yet to tackle will not improve things either. Although i hear its a good tale.

overall this game is still awesome. But i think its time to finish it now and crack on with other 360 titles and await a more lengthy exploration of it on PC.

Additional: Having said that my game clock is at 120 with 2 guilds and the main quest still to go soooooo hardly a poor showing compared to many titles.

Still a 9/10 from me. V Happy
Ultra_Extreme said:
Having said that my game clock is at 120 with 2 guilds and the main quest still to go soooooo hardly a poor showing compared to many titles.

Still a 9/10 from me. V Happy
Well said. I'm about 127 hours in now & apart from a few annoying problems mentioned here, it has had me captivated throughout. Now I can't remember the last title I spent anywhere near this long playing - so that's got to be praise enough. :)
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