What can I do about a holly tree I don't own?

18 Oct 2002
So we've moved into a "new" old house and I have a bit of an issue with the holly tree next door. It sheds its leaves which for any tree it wouldn't be a problem I'd just sweep them up but holly leaves are nasty things and they tend to get attached to shoes and walked into the house to be trod on when least expected.

I'm going to pop round and have a word with the neighbours, seem nice enough and I'd be surprised if they have a problem with it - I'm happy to pay to have the tree cut down or just pruned back (its not really a bush its at least 15 foot high).

I know you can't just cut a neighbours tree down but given its actually painful to step on the leaves, is it possible I could get the request enforced if it came to that? I don't want to come over all difficult neighbour but it is a pain.
If you came round to my house requesting to chop down a tree because you occasionally step on something with spikes, I would laugh you off my property.

I'd think very hard before rubbing your neighbours up the wrong way over something trivial.
You don't have to ask to cut back overhanging branches. You do have to ask your neighbour if they want the cuttings back, otherwise it can be considered theft.

I have some quite large trees and looked in to this issue as the neighbours to the rear wanted to cut them back, there was nothing I could do about the nieghbour cutting them back to the boundary line. They mentioned they were going to do it and just chuck the branches back over my fence. I had no objection to the cutting back of the trees, as there was nothing I could do to stop it (to the boundary line), but I wanted to check if I had to accept the branches back, and as the owner of the trees I don't have to.
You can quite legitimately cut any overhanging branches that encroach on your side, but by the sound of it at 15ft this would be pointless.
I would be inclined to ask the neighbours in passing rather than going around with only that topic of conversation in mind, else you run the risk of tarnishing relations unnecessarily which could lead to headaches later on.
All Hollys even though Evergreen will lose a few leaves.

Are you sure it hasn't got something like'Holly leaf blight', if the leaf drop is excessive.

Had holllies at a previous place, even though it dropped leaves, never had a problem with them sticking to my shoes.
The only time when they were in the house, was when the cat brought them in, never bird birds or other furry creatures, but flowers & leaves.:(

I myself wouldn't bother complaining about them, & upsetting your neighbour over something rather trival.
If you came round to my house requesting to chop down a tree because you occasionally step on something with spikes, I would laugh you off my property.

I wouldn't quite laugh you off my property, but then if I was OP I'd sling your leaves back over your fence all day long if you did.
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just google'd holly tree, now i get what you mean, it's those nasty sharp spikey leaves.

tbh i wouldnt like them dropping onto my garden either, they must have bought that tree to stop cats, dogs or foxes coming onto their garden or something, because they aren't what you would want near your home tbh. not exactly safe for kids either if they were to play in the garden for example.

i would talk to the neighbour and discuss the problem, but not in an aggressive manner demanding that it be cut down, they might actually also want it gone. so see if you can come up with a solution which is good for both of you. if not just cut them up to the boundary line and throw the branches back over.
What's your stance on rosé bushes, call in NATO?

Just cut the thing back to your border, god forbid all those miles of Hawthorne hedges in the uk, they must be child killers.
What's your stance on rosé bushes, call in NATO?

Just cut the thing back to your border, god forbid all those miles of Hawthorne hedges in the uk, they must be child killers.

rose bushes are different as they aren't shedding leaves everywhere are they? they are usually confined to the one area and people know where they are usually if they have one in their garden so kids can avoid that area.

with leaves they could potentially be everywhere.
True, but the risks to children are basically the same. I have to say that out Holly doesn't drop many leaves I've noticed and we have lots of it, the plant is evergreen so unless its diseased excessive leaf drop shouldn't be an issue.
just google'd holly tree, now i get what you mean, it's those nasty sharp spikey leaves.

tbh i wouldnt like them dropping onto my garden either, they must have bought that tree to stop cats, dogs or foxes coming onto their garden or something, because they aren't what you would want near your home tbh. not exactly safe for kids either if they were to play in the garden for example.

i would talk to the neighbour and discuss the problem, but not in an aggressive manner demanding that it be cut down, they might actually also want it gone. so see if you can come up with a solution which is good for both of you. if not just cut them up to the boundary line and throw the branches back over.

They're slightly *****ly leaves. Seriously, stop over reacting.

They would barely bother cats, dogs or children. Did you grow up in one of those bubbles or something to stop you experiencing something you didn't want to?
True, but the risks to children are basically the same. I have to say that out Holly doesn't drop many leaves I've noticed and we have lots of it, the plant is evergreen so unless its diseased excessive leaf drop shouldn't be an issue.

Loving the attitude from your posts. You are clever, well done.

There are lots of leaves on the ground and they fall where we park so it is an issue as they get walked into the house. I didn't know holly trees don't shed their leaves much but this one does.

I wasn't going to ask the neighbour to have the plant removed just have it cut back enough that it isn't a problem.

They would barely bother cats, dogs or children. Did you grow up in one of those bubbles or something to stop you experiencing something you didn't want to?

Funny that, the leaves bother children. Haven't got a dog and haven't seen the cats for a few days but I'll ask them.
If the tree is within 1 metre of the boundary then as its an evergreen I think is only allowed to grow to a max height of 2 metres. This doesnt apply to trees which lose their leaves during autumn.
If the tree is within 1 metre of the boundary then as its an evergreen I think is only allowed to grow to a max height of 2 metres. This doesnt apply to trees which lose their leaves during autumn.

You suffering from sunstroke.:eek::rolleyes:

Thought the 2mtr rule applied to hedges, not trees, whether evergreen or Deciduous.
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I have the same issue. Loads of holly leaves all over the ground. Means the kids can't play barefoot in some points of the garden and has lead to tears.

Means I've got to sweep them up almost daily.
I undertand what you mean. OP. We have several Holly trees and one in particular sheds quite a lot of leaves. We don't have any kids or pets, but I sure as hell wouldn't want a small child play near those leaves. As for the neighbour, isn't it the same, usual stuff with neighbours, whatever it is? I mean, you get people like one of the posters in this thread - "I would laugh you off the property and I am so cool and **** you and **** that..." - and then you have the understanding types. I hope your neighbours are of the second kind.
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