What can I do about a holly tree I don't own?

I undertand what you mean. OP. We have several Holly trees and one in particular sheds quite a lot of leaves. We don't have any kids or pets, but I sure as hell wouldn't want a small child play near those leaves. As for the neighbour, isn't it the same, usual stuff with neighbours, whatever it is? I mean, you get people like one of the posters in this thread - "I would laugh you off the property and I am so cool and **** you and **** that..." - and then you have the understanding types. I hope your neighbours are of the second kind.

Yes, because asking to cut down someone's tree because you occasionally step on leaves is perfectly reasonable.

I'm going to ask our neighbours if I can cut down the oak trees which border our property because birds occasional poo on my car.

I would be more than receptive to someone asking my permission to trim said tree, but not cut it down for such a lame reason.
Had occasion to chat with my neighbour last night and ask if he would mind if we trim the holly tree. He hadn't realised how overgrown it had become and was more than happy for me to trim it back some.
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