What can I take my rage out on ?

26 Sep 2003
For no particular reason, I am feeling narked off. Anyone got any suggestions for (legal) ways to relieve a bit of anger. Bear in mind that I am at work at the moment. ;)

I have some stationery, a chair, PC, telephone and a load of paper round me - in an open plan office of about 200 people.
Snap a plastic ruler or pen in half - the snapping alone makes me feel a little better. :o
i have a boxing bag in my garage, i get angry a lot and it knackers me out!

Drums are usually good for it aswell
NumptyUK said:
or just go to the bogs and crack one off the wrist.

Or even better, do it whilst at your desk, especially whilst looking at some female co-worker.

That earns you bonus points.

Or play various games with yourself: see how many times you can get your co-workers to look in your direction or something.

When they are walking about, stick drawing pins on their chairs/superglue their mouse to the desk/remove the mouse alltogether/remove AC power cord. 10 pts for every minute they are left scratching their head and going "wtf?!"

Hours of fun guaranteed!
Gilly said:
The office gimp.

Or go to boxercising after work and take it out on a bag.

Ooh yeah! Dave the Slam Man gets it when I've had a bad day.



Serves him right for looking like such a gimp.
Try to get from one end of the office to the other without touching the floor. Punch anyone who queries your quest.
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