what colour to light up my case?

ledbythereaper said:
Ooh, haven't come across a forum that minds that before, it's not as if I'm advocating smoking it, cause the ****'s fried my brain :(

I hate to be a total pain but you need to fully star the sweary too :o
ledbythereaper said:
Ooh, haven't come across a forum that minds that before, it's not as if I'm advocating smoking it, cause the s**ts fried my brain :(

This is a VERY family oriented forum. No swearies unless completely starred out, no graphic discussions of a sexual nature (they even stopped the "I'd hit it" threads) and no advocacy of illegal drugs (I'm pretty sure admitting to drinking is OK though).
noozleberry? lol seriosuly your 18 for gods sake come up with something better than that, that isn't a swear word. personally i like the word chuddy

ye massive chuddy ye

-I-Am-Great- said:
does anyone have good high quality pics of their cases preferably pc-7+ with cathodes

I remember there being a decent watercooled rig gallery here, were quite a few nice lighting shots there (Dark rooms etc).

Also the desk gallery?
-I-Am-Great- said:
yea but i want soley pics of the windows with cathodes and don't want to see water cooling pics

You clearly didn't look at the gallery. It's very very pretty.
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