What did maggie do?

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If I had my way, maggie would be back in number 10, ruling with iron Fist, best thing that ever happened to this country.

In answer to your question, I dont know, I just love the iron lady.
She straightened out the unions - outlawed secondary picketing and dragged industrial relations kicking and screaming into the modern age.

The biggest mistake she made was not resigning two years before she was ousted. She would then be remembered as a great prime-minister not the (slightly) unhinged bint that she eventually became.

Tony Blair is making exactly the same mistake if he had stood down just before the last election he would have had a far better write up in history than he will get now.

All politicians never know when to stop. Mind you the fact they want to start should prevent them from being allowed to.

The Winter of Discontent did (old) Labour in, but the Unions were also just too powerful. You literally couldn't sneeze at work without a union rep approving it, plus job demarcation creating massive inefficiency, etc etc.
Maggie came in and saw that the only way to try to remain competitive was to break the Unions - hence all the aggro with the Miners strike and draconian laws regarding secondary picketing. Lots of State owned organisations were privatised as the policy shifted that these organisations should stand on their own two feet and not be 'carried' by the taxpayer.
She stole my milk. Really.

Nasty nasty horrid woman, I really can't believe what I'm seeing here. Without checking ages of posters, I'd put my bet that a lot of those wern't actually around when she was in power.

The only good thing she did was make the Unions more democratic.


She turned us from a manufacturing country into a service provider. It would have happened anyway but she sped it up.

She created a culture of greed and "I'm alright Jack" mentality.

She helped shut the mines so we can now import it instead.

She made millions unemployed.

She sold industries we already owned back to "us". Actually meaning that the rich got even fatter.

I could go on.
Feek said:
She stole my milk. Really.

Nasty nasty horrid woman, I really can't believe what I'm seeing here. Without checking ages of posters, I'd put my bet that a lot of those wern't actually around when she was in power.


I rememeber getting milk too, we used to get a proper meal (veggies, carbs,semolina, rice pudding, etc) but as it cost to much money to give the kids the proper foods to be healthy, she scraped it. Now kids are unfit, unhealthy, can't eat properly, fair enough it's taken Jamie Oliver ( :mad: ) to sort things out, but thats politics.

seaviewuk said:
It was a great day when we won the Falklands back from the Argies and Maggie told assembled reporters on the steps of No.10 'REJOICE, REJOICE' :)

Hundreds Killed, Belgrano sank, all for an island that most youngsters don't even know is part of the English Empire along side the fact the only resisdents are penguins :confused:
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