not saying this is the only way to do it however my view is this:
you arn't there to make friends, a job is there to facilitate your life outside of work. So, if a promotion will give you the work/life balance and the cash you want to do the things you want, then happy days.
My approach has been to work hard, more than required for 12 months asking for nothing, then at review time list the times i have gone above and beyond, take in an idea of what i would reasonably want in terms of pay or role change based on the market, sometimes it is an easy chat, sometimes its tricky, sometimes they have approached me before the years up. However, and this is the big one, you have to be prepared to leave for pastures new, not in a threatening way (that never is sustainable) but in a way of, 'i want this for my career and dont feel im going to get it here etc'. I have worked in IT for 24 years and this approach has led me to leave 2 jobs (on my 3rd atm)
If they know you arnt a flight risk, coupled with you doing an excellent job at your current level, why would they promote you? Who could they get to replace you? sounds like you have made your self a bit irreplaceable which is as dangerous.