What do you all do at uni that makes it great? (Long opening)

laughed really loud at that George Bush signature, man that guy never ceases to make me laugh. I think the funniest one was "terrorists dont stop thinking of new ways to damage america, neither do we" lol. Sorry to go off topic :P
Freedom, the ability to be your own boss. For the first time in your life (or at least in mine) you're completely free to do whatever you want really, as its likely you'll be well away from your parents. Take days off if you want, take a day trip to paris, the world is your oyster.

That and the friends you make. I'm hardly in contact when anyone from my school days, but I think i'll be in contact with my close friends at uni for many many years to come.
Yucca said:
I think thats the problem i have. I dont really have any close mates at uni. I have about 2/3 friends that live in the same building and i have loads of friends i chat to in the law building but its just not the same as sixth form.

for me 6th form was awesome compared to uni, had a very tight knit group of mates, spent 2 years messing around whilst still studying, great times, whereas in uni its just a group of mates on my course that i chat to, but it aint as cool as 6th form!
Having freedom is 1 thing, but without friends to utlilise your time with....It gets boring REAL fast, pretty soon it's just night after night in front of the pc. If you have lots of friends who likes to do stuff, spending time in front of the TV/PC is the last night on your mind and the last thing you do before you go to bed (just to check email and quick peek at the forums).
its okish. Looking forward to leaving in a way now though- working stupidly hard at the moment to pull off my final project and getting a bit fed up with it all.

Actually getting money next year (hopefully......) will be nice too.
It definitely depends on the people you are with, I have made some great mates in halls, every night is enjoyable. Sometimes we go out, sometimes we stay in and drink, sometimes we stay in and just watch films but whatever we are doing we are all enjoying it. :)
The free dom to do whatever you want is a big part of it for people who before have only lived at home. I for one have built up a massive amount of good memories and experiences. The friends I have met I will remember forever, and I should think a good few of them I'll know for the rest of my life. I've been to Amsterdam three times, learnt a lot about recreational drugs (yes, class this as a bad point if you so wish).

Most of all, I've learnt a lot about myself. I don't think I'd be this person today if it weren't for uni. It's also doubtful I'd have met the woman of my dreams.

Uni is what you make of it, it isn't for everyone. Get out there, do things, meet people. Live it :)

Ant :cool:
Met a whole bunch of friends who I have no doubt will be mates for life.

Have absolutely millions of comedy memories of various escapades and experiences.

The gals - rarely in your life will you be in such a position to have hundreds of fairly like-minded girls of your age in one place all out to have a good time. Make the most of it!

The independence - living on your own or with your peers is a big step from living at home and is one of the best parts of Uni IMO.

The work - hopefully this bit'll be interesting, but the rest makes up for it if it isn't...!
gib786 said:
for me 6th form was awesome compared to uni, had a very tight knit group of mates, spent 2 years messing around whilst still studying, great times, whereas in uni its just a group of mates on my course that i chat to, but it aint as cool as 6th form!
i feel exactly the same...im 1st year at uni now, and have people i talk to, and do stuff with, but they just dont compare to my close friends back home in london a couple of hours away, who i still keep in close contact with

i think in a way i dont want or need to find any more 'close' friends here, and my mates back home are just too good, friends for life.

i do go gym now regularly, so thats one good thing that will come out of my time at uni :D
woodsy2k said:
I really like my course, love my mates to bits, am able to shoot at the Uni range, and being independent. Thats what makes it for me :)

What do you shoot? I used to shoot smallbore before uni. Joined the rifle club, but it was rubbish and the members weren't the type of people I could get along with. Plus I was thrown into shooting several competition cards a week (damn my coach from home and his big mouth!) ;)
Needless to say it put me off :(. May take it up again in the future... I was getting pretty good too - untill the stress of shooting so many cards in a night when there was only 4 or 5 fireing points put me off.
Jez said:
It doesnt work out for everyone, personally i hated uni, i didnt get on with the student lifestyle and couldnt get on with having such a rubbish income.
I'm starting to feel like this, and I'm halfway through my 2nd year on for a 1st in Physics from Nottingham University, so I really think I should see it through. I've already decided to change onto a 3 year course from my initial 4 year one.
As has been said above, the thing which made uni life so great for me was my friends, now im doing a MSc at a different uni it sort of sucks but means I can get some work done.

Yucca said:
I like going out on nights out bit the music is totally different to what i like so dont enjoy it as much as back home. I get rnb music instead of chart, dance, and party which is what i get in cannock.

Don't know how you've managed that...i could go out every night in Leicester and not goto the same bars/clubs each night and still not have to listen to that RnB crap.


Also, you don't have to go out so much as living at uni = everybodies got their own place so just get the beers in and hey-presto...insta-party.

But again, we're back round the "decent group of mates" bit. :D

5 Months left of this year-placement and i go back for my third/fourth year. Absolutely cannot wait...working for a year after 2 years of uni has made me realise more than ever how awesome uni is.

My third year will probably be more enjoyable for this reason, as i know it's my last chance to live like that !


*counts the minutes*
Join some of the sports clubs or societys, i'd go for a club rather than a society as clubs tend to be more regular **** ups, do something competitive, winning or loosing as a team is a great experience to share in the pub, you'll never be short of mates once in a team, you don't even have to be that good at it.

And non of the "I'm not that sporty", at uni you have access to clubs that you would not have had, or will have outside Uni, give them a try, its not like the school experience of being yelled at to do cross country and thus loathing sport, it being your choice you'll enjoy far more.

you'll learn more from uni out the lecture halls than in them.

No swearing please.

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