What do you do when you hit a gaming rut?

Wish i was in a gaming rut! Got a Squad and Post Scriptum addiction where I'm thinking about checking myself into rehab..... after one more round :D

I did have a gaming rut but then tried different genre's that i didnt think I would like and that got me out of it.
I can't say I ever really experience a dip in my gaming, as suggested, a new hobby would be a good idea - maybe one with connections to gaming like level editing/building, asset design or something along those lines.
In a form of 'rut' right now, normally I turn to console gaming when I don't feel PC gaming. So I'm running through God of War right now, but Call of Duty is keeping me at my PC in the interim. I'm tempted to pick up RDR2 and/or Pillard of Eternity on the PC again as I got fairly far into RDR2 and always get frustrated with Pillars. But I feel this weekend it would be a good thing to get stuck in.
I was in one between Halloween and Christmas, took a break then picked up Red Dead 2, second playthrough now, finished subnautica finally and I've been hammering a few others since
add some new mods to fallout 4 and play that again!

usually a new enb as well just to change the look a bit
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