What do you like about yourself?

I'm extremely laid back. Don't ever get properly stressed at things, take life in my stride.

In general quite happy with my life at the moment and the plans I have and what I want to be doing.
Haha. A girl once said to me:

"Michael, you best feature is definately your eyebrows"

"Oh, thanks :) ................ :("

Good, they are the best dog :p

Like your new sig by the way!

Spanks, was made by this talented chap.

Incidently - since I thought you might be interested - I've been giving the writing a bash as of late.
I'm just so incredibly modest that you wouldn't believe. That's what makes me awesome. Yeh. I'm modest.

If you are having a dig that this is a thread of people merely being big-headed, which I hasten to add you might not be, then it is indeed a sad state of affairs if you cannot list you positives without sounding arrogant :)
If you are having a dig that this is a thread of people merely being big-headed, which I hasten to add you might not be, then it is indeed a sad state of affairs if you cannot list you positives without sounding arrogant :)

none of the above

did I mention how modest I am?

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