What do you look for in a gallery system?

26 Dec 2003
Imagine, hypothetically speaking, that two dashing and fantastic members of this forum had decided to make a simple, fast, efficient and in-every-respect amazing gallery system—free from the horrible disgustingness of virtually every other gallery system in existence!


Features that will definitely be included:

Album support
Comprehensive user permissions and management
Totally simple adding of images, web-based or FTP with automatic thumbnailing etc.
Flexible plugin architecture
Probably zillions of other things I'm forgetting

So yeah if someone could tell me the things they hate about other gallery systems or would love to see in a new one that would be awesome and their dreams would become reality and stuff yeah!

(Feel free to post them in the form of tickets here BTW!)
gallery2, without doubt

it's a bit on the large side, but it's really comprehensive and does EVERYTHING. Plenty of addins, and a great system.
for me it must be easy to customize the look and integrate into an existing website.

i hate the lack of options in certain other gallery systems for how you can view the full-size versions of your images.
Some fancy gallery layouts would be nice, that you can implement into your own site so it doesnt have to be on a seperate page. So you can just have an include of the gallery page for it to show.

Example here of a fancy gallery: Linky

Maybe a comments system? - would it really be neccarcery (sp) though?
I recently integrated a gallery into my site, the problem with most PHP/mySQL galleries is that they are impossible to incorporate properly with some truly strange coding.
This may be too swish but when I'm searching for a photo to show someone in my 2000+ gallery2 site, I wish I had something like the itunes album flipper.

A scroll bar (must be AJAX) that slides through your photos in pseudo 3d. Maybe not all 2000 as that's gonna be too heavy going but each album would be nice.
Anything specific, guys? I know there are lots of things I personally detest about Gallery2 that will be improved upon, so what about you? Or is Gallery2 perfect?

As for theme integration, that's definitely on the list. So is compatibility with existing CMS/portal systems (WordPress for definite out-of-the-box but I don't know about others).

Flibster said:

Well this is going to be SimpleGal 2, so it's already on the list :cool:
here's my gallery2 install,

custom gallery2 install

very happy with it. The only thing I don't like is the search. It's a bit naff ... and it only dumps out 3 results, then makes you do a click to see the rest. There's obviously something in gallery2-core that does that. But, with my php skills -/ cough, I can't find it.

I like gallery2, have to customise it a bit .. and it's a got a bit of weight about it but overall it's good.

I also tried that Plogger, but after a twiddle it was very limited. Not tried coppermine.
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