What do you need for a SCSI setup?

1 Jan 2006
South East London
My mate wants to get a SCSI setup, will it be much faster than his sata 150 maxtor? What does he actually need, I assume just a SCSI HD (is 80 pin better than 68?) , cables (do you need terminators) and a SCSI controller. I saw that these 15k hard drives can run at 320mb/s, how is this possible if PCI bus is restricted to 133mb/s? Will it be worth the upgrade? If he buys a drive second hand will he be able to get the drivers from the manufacturers website?
That could be a long wait for a PCI e scsi controller, although I did see some pci e x8 scsi controllers but they were very expensive. Its annoying on these new motherboards that they are replacing the good old PCI slot with PCI e x1 which have no use so far. I have three useless Pci e x1 slots, hopefully they will bring out something for them soon. Anyway, Jeff where's the HDtach times?
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