What do you think of Diablo 3?

19 Sep 2014
The High Heavens
Didn't put it in the Diablo 3 thread as I don't only want hardcore players opinions.

How would you rate it? How does it compare to the previous Diablo games?

It's well-polished, well-developed, well-balanced and the core gameplay is good for hundreds of hours if you like ARPGs. I can't recall if you need the expansion in order to unlock Adventure Mode and Greater Rifts, which are basically randomised maps and which comprise the end game.

I've played hundreds of hours and believe it or not I don't class myself as hardcore. The nature of the game is such that I can sit down for 30 mins play (as I did this morning) and feel like i've progressed. It keeps me coming back at least!

I was never that into D1 and D2 though I played both. D3 has appealed to me far more.
I'm not what you would call hardcore, I play it a lot for a couple of weeks to gear a character then have a break and play other games normally until a new feature or items are implemented then I go back and repeat.

Obviously graphically it's leaps and bounds ahead of d1 and d2 and this helps a ton as visual upgrades on your characters help give a feeling of progression

I prefer the d3 skill system as well to previous games

Couple of things I find drab though is some tile sets for rifts are boring and not enjoyable for me personally, lack of classes is also a bit of a bore factor and also only really having 1 endgame spec per class limits play style options

With that said they are addressing a lot of the above, there's some new tile sets coming 2.2 and some new items and set gear that hopefully opens up more options for gearing endgame

Overall the games a massive improvement over its predecessors and has evolved most of their core concepts but it could do with a few more bits n bobs in my opinion
It's good now but it's been heavily influenced by WoW (stats, skills, cooldowns) and it lacks the "vibe" of the previous Diablo games.

If you want that original "vibe" in terms of both gameplay and atmosphere, you should play Path of Exile.
Diablo is great to sink some hours in to. Nothing extreme, just till you can do t6 easily. It soon gets pretty pointless after that. Either you level up a new character and go through gearing up again, or wait till the new season starts again (Months)!
Can't beat the classic..


It's a fabulous game and becomes a real time sink. I ploughed a lot of hours into this and RoS and still go back to it in between other stuff. As said, it's extremely well polished and balanced and quite possibly the best there is for an ARPG. There's a lot of replay value as well. Like anything, it can become monotonous with constant play but nonetheless, it's still a great game. Is it as good as D1 or 2? I'm not sure. D2 was brilliant but is years old now and whilst I may be looking through rose tinted specs, I seem to remember that some of the mechanics of D2 were better.

If you don't have D3 though - Buy it. You won't regret it.
Diablo 2 was unrivaled, had no competitors back then. D3 has a ton and seems worse off for it from a gamer's perspective but in all honesty D3 is just better.

They both have the curse of RNG though, some people I know on there have seasonal characters that are Torment VI ready at like 20 paragon whilst I'm struggling on Torment II at 50 paragon. :o
Anybody find the game way too easy?

Any suggestion as to when the game becomes a challenge when you have the setting on hard?
Hard isn't actually hard. Put it on Torment if you actually want a real challenge. Or play hardcore.
Yeah just set the lvl to the highest you can manage to keep it interesting, Normal is for absolute beginners, for experienced players ya just go in at torment right away.
Yep Torment is the way to go. With the add on pack its a brilliant game which I have sunk hundreds of hours in. Quite easy to just jump in and out of whenever you feel like it too.
I loved Diablo II.

Bought Diablo III when it came out and played it solidly for the first few weeks. I always play Diablo games in a single player mode only, can't be bothered with online play.

Really enjoyed it, but I think the second game is better. The dialogue and voice acting are funny
played all 3 both the first and second one were great games although a bit dated now
enjoyed the second one so much i even bought the expansion set for it
i also enjoyed playing the 3rd game and have a few hundred hours game time on it but it's been a few months since i touched it got sucked in to wot at the moment
I pre-ordered it, played it through twice in 21 hours with two chars.

I've never been back to it since, but still for me that represents value for money - £1.5 per hour.

I was happy with my purchase but I didn't continue to play/grind like the hardcore lot.
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