What do you think this mobile number is worth?

Aruffell said:
Somone i know had 07707707707 and sold it for £4,000.

Same person sold 07989123456 and sold it for £19,000 :eek:


top one is ok but confusing. The second one is poor and there are simular numbers on sale on ebay for £300.

How much did he pay for them and where did he sell them?

this is better from what I can see- gold number and look at the price
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I've given a lot of my free o2 sim cards to my friends so they're in sequence. My number is xxx37, my ex-girlfriend's number is xxx38 and my current girlfriend's number is xxx39 :D
I have an old Orange PAYG number which was 07773697899 that was easy to remember. My current O2 number is also very easy to remember as apart from the 0 at the start, the only digits are 3, 7 and 9 (four 3s, four 7s and 2 9s).
personally i see no point in it, unless you find it hard to remember your own number / you have a number for business (like in amerca they have things like 800 MICROSOFT or whatever)...

usuaully i give people my number, they stik it in memory, never actually see it again.
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