what do you think to google's Generative AI?

what do you think to google's Generative AI?​

We don't use "to", dear boy, unless you schooled at the other place.

"Of" at a pinch, "about" if you're going for common and dirty**, "re:" if you're unclear on what words mean.

** oh yes.
I noticed that now you Google something and the first answer is an ai response. I've also found it's quite often wrong
Yeah same - its not a great advertisement for paying money for it! I'm amazed how far behind they seem
I skip past it as I don't trust it to be right.
Especially on detailed questions
It's very often wrong from my experience.

I don't even bother looking at it/reading it now.
We don't use "to", dear boy, unless you schooled at the other place.
"Of" at a pinch, "about" if you're going for common and dirty**, "re:" if you're unclear on what words mean.

Steady on Elon! :D

Well given experience, I'd say it's not what it's been mis-sold as.
Having been educated on it, I know it's not what it's been sold as.
But it's fun anyway.
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