what does it mean when I get a 3.3V fail

26 Mar 2004
In the Gigabyte DS3p motherboard bios I was getting a red "Fail" next to 3.3V.

what does that mean?
I reduced the clock speeds back to default and it went back to "OK"

But Now the PC won't post at all. Wondering if it could be cos of that.
Well the 3.3v rail is used by most of the IC's on the motherboard so if your power supply has a dodgy 3.3v rail then they aren't going to function properly or at all, causing the system to fail POST or not even get to it. One cause of such a faliure could be a broken or damaged sense cable on the PSU meaning that the PSU can't sense the 3.3v rail correctly. It does sound like you need a new PSU and hope the motherboard is okay.
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