What does the PS3 have to offer ??

It has absolutely fantastic (at least from the early shots) games being released for it. The catalogue so far looks more impressive to me than the 360.
I haven't actually seen any genuine in-game shots of PS3 titles. Only FMV, pre-rendered, or 'this will look like this when we run it on the PS3 and not just on our dual processor SLI PC... honest'. Maybe its because the PS3 isn't finished yet, but the PS3 launch smells of the PS2 launch. 'Yes Getaway will look like this'. Come launch - 'oh errr, it looks like a PSone game with texture filtering, oh dear'.

I too had a PS2 shortly after launch. I've played Grant Turismo 3 on it quite a lot, but other than that no PS2 game has kept me entertained for more than a few minutes. I recently got an Xbox for free with a projector, and have found some of the games on it outstanding. While I appreciate the PS2 probably has some good games, I just haven't played one. Actually no, I liked Red Faction. That was a great game :) Better on the PS2 than the PC as well. Either way I've been thoroughly disappointed with the PS2, and very surprised with the Xbox. The Live! service is an exceptional bonus too imo.

Will the PS3 be a success? Undoubtedly. Will it offer anything new (now that the 360 has launched)? Most definitely not.
GT4 got boring because I had to constantly go out in the stupidly fast LM cars, or cripple the ones I liked with standard road tyres.

I agree with the post aboive that the game needs HP limits to offer some incentive to complete a series...
The 2CV races... I sat through the stupidly slow uncomptetitive races and expected maybe some sort of fun concept Citreon... Nope, here's a pink 2CV, now carry on being bored and B speccing everything...

Saying this however, I have just bought a PSP to play GT4 mobile and despite my anti-sony ways, GT5 could persuade me to go PS3... Also the whole PSP-PS3 linkup could be good.

I personally think the Revolutions controller looks like an annoying gimmick and I'll be avoiding it like the plague. 360 seems decent enough to me, and at least it's available now... (sort of)
Emlyn_Dewar said:
I personally think the Revolutions controller looks like an annoying gimmick and I'll be avoiding it like the plague.

Oh thank god Im not alone..

The PS3 may not have too much to offer technically, but it still has the brand name that is associated with modern video gaming. It will get snapped up by the thousands regardless of what games are out for it and when it gets released.

To quote a few people ive spoken to about the X360

Them: Meh, the PS3's gonna kick its ass
Me: But you havnt even seen what games on the PS3 look like yet..
Them: Yea but its a playstation..
Me: Yea, good argument.. M'kay. Bye bye now.
I hated the PS2, was a Dreamcast fan myself. I only bought one once GT4 was released and I sold it very shortly after.
The PS3, I know nothing about it really... All I know is that it's got a boomerang controller, but hey, at least it's conventional. I don't want bells and whistles attached to the controller, just want something I can easily hold in both hands and not have to worry about injuring anyone whilst playing a game...
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