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What does this mean for my 3090?

28 Jan 2011
hey guys, I have been having some minor stuttering issues on PUBG and thought I would try some gaming benchmarks..so i have tried Shadow Of The Tomb Raider.

It is at 2560x1080..im using a 5700X3d chip. 32gb 3200MHz RAM..

Use RivaTuner to cap your FPS to the refresh of your monitor and see if the stutter continues. Dropping from 400 + to 200 is going to feel awkward.
Use RivaTuner to cap your FPS to the refresh of your monitor and see if the stutter continues. Dropping from 400 + to 200 is going to feel awkward.

thanks for the reply..

just to clarify, its only PUBG that has had the minor stuttering, the SOTTR benchmark was smooth all the way through..and the only other games i have tried is CS2 and RE2, all no stuttering?
You might not be seeing such a big variation in FPS with those games, among other potential differences.

Your min in the above bench is 200, if you cap at 120-165 you shouldn't have any problems unless there's some background latency problems. I've heard pubG can be janky, you should be monitoring that with Afterburner to get a better idea.
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i have an option to get a 4070ti for an extra £30...would that be a worthy upgrade? the only thing bothering me is the 12gbVRAM??

Also the power draw is concerning me on the 3090 at up to 380W !! :eek:
i have an option to get a 4070ti for an extra £30...would that be a worthy upgrade?
If you're getting a newer card and a warranty reset, then I can still the attraction, but a "worthy upgrade",... nope, it is barely an upgrade at all and the loss of half your VRAM is nasty.

I'd look into how to reconfigure your 3090 to run more power efficient if it bothers you, as high-end cards usually respond pretty well to undervolting/power limiting.

Learn how to undervolt your 3090 and hang onto it. 12GB Vram is just not good enough these days for 'enthusiast' games and gamers (high res, ray tracing et etc).

With an undervolt my 3090 rarely uses more than ~270W these days, even in games like Cyberpunk with path tracing on. Makes a huge difference to temps and noise for no performance loss....
Learn how to undervolt your 3090 and hang onto it. 12GB Vram is just not good enough these days for 'enthusiast' games and gamers (high res, ray tracing et etc).

With an undervolt my 3090 rarely uses more than ~270W these days, even in games like Cyberpunk with path tracing on. Makes a huge difference to temps and noise for no performance loss....

can you give me some wisdom to how you went about your settings to get the results you do? cheers.
@Tetras could RAM be a factor? I only have 32GB atm and wondering if 64 would help
Very unlikely, unless you have a bazillion tabs open while you game.

Hardly anything makes meaningful use of 64GB right now, except for some modded games like Skylines.

I think your issue is way more likely to be on the software or configuration side, than on the hardware side.
thanks for the reply..

just to clarify, its only PUBG that has had the minor stuttering, the SOTTR benchmark was smooth all the way through..and the only other games i have tried is CS2 and RE2, all no stuttering?
Sounds more like a game related issue than towards the card. Try a different driver if it's recent.
@Tetras could RAM be a factor? I only have 32GB atm and wondering if 64 would help aswell as looking at power limits on the 3090?
What do you mean only 32gb hahahaha. I got 16gb and all good for everything so far. 32gb is fine. The last few videos on ram i have watched suggest 16gb is still fine so at 32gb you will be good for a long time.
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can you give me some wisdom to how you went about your settings to get the results you do? cheers.

Rather than type out a load of waffle, I started with this video I think about 3 years ago and went from there myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqpfYTi43TE

Just do some research, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of the basics but it does take some trial, error and testing to find the sweet spot for your particular card. My 3090 is not as 'good' as some it seems, as it needs a bit more volts than many do.
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hmm....i see what you guys mean about the VRAM. I installed RE : Village to have a play at settings and it runs great (without any DLSS or what have you) and getting good results..

but when in the settings for graphics where it lets you know your VRAM usage, it was almost 13GB at default!! :eek:

Now im seeing where the extra VRAM is coming in handy..
As far as I'm aware your graphics card will allocate and use as much as it wants to if it's available. It doesn't necessarily need it, it just uses it as a cache or maybe it skipped breakfast.
Isn't pubg one of those games people think they are proper top gamers whilst playing - meaning they need stupid high fps? If this is the case then you are likely seeing huge highs like 400+ fps and dips to atleast half of that. This I imagine would be quite noticeable.

Just cap your fps and I feel you will ha e a lot better time ajd less stutters.
can you give me some wisdom to how you went about your settings to get the results you do? cheers.
As someone who had never overclocked before I got this nuclear power station of a used evga 3090 ftw3, I found this video most helpful. But don't do exactly as he does by just dragging one point. You want to shift-click the point, and drag the whole curve. Then flatten it out. I hope this helps. FFXIV is my game, and I've gone from well over 80 degrees and over 400 watts, to 60-62 degrees and averaging 190ish watts. 3440x1440. I also cap the frame rate at 100fps. I found mine to be stable for ffxiv at 775mv 1650mhz. I tried to underclock it as much as I could too. I spend hours in this game, so I want efficiency. I run a slightly higher clock of 850mv at 1850mhz iirc for AAA games. I just leave my monitor at 100hz and cap each game at 100fps. I dont compete or need super high framerates. The 3090 is a monster, and it needs taming xD
You'd be a fool to swap a 3090 for a 4070Ti. 12GB VRAM is just not enough now for enthusiast gamers and high settings, and certainly won't be going forward. Nicely confirmed by this recent HWUB vid below.

Much as I like Nivida GPUs and have had them for years now, they suck balls with regards to VRAM vs AMD cards. If the 5000 series has the same VRam specs as the 4000 series (which solid early leaks suggest) that is so ******* tight and stupid of Nvidia.

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