What DPI do you use.

30 Dec 2021
mice now is capable if insane DPI's how do people use them?
I have my 502 set to 1500, but know people say they run over 2500, how and why?

it may just be my as im old or is there a way to use very high DPI but slow the speed down.
Haven't changed mine in over a decade, it's what i'm used to and comfortable with. Which is what matters really.
ive always been a 1200 guy but i have UW screen now and found my self lift the mouse a lot, 1500 did take a day or 2 to adjusts to but its ok now.
i just cant even imagine using anything like 2500
that's the opposite of with i expected, can i ask why you drop low for games

Just preference, honestly. I feel I can be more precise in FPS games and usually run about 800. I have a large mousing surface and just find that I overshoot targets with my DPI set too high. Maybe I could practice but I just don't have the time and I don't play twitch shooters anyway.

I sometimes play with about 1600 in games where I don't need as precise control just to speed up how quickly I can move the mouse across the screen.
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