What DS4/DQ6 voltage settings

9 Aug 2006
ok guys im getting a DQ6 on monday which i have already ordered and just wanted to know what voltages everyone was using on the MCH, FSB etc etc, i will be aiming to get 3ghz out of my E6300 so any other advice would be good.

Look here: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17636047

Set the MCH & FSB to +0.1v

Set your Geil ram to +0.3v for up to 800mhz and +0.4v for higher.

Don't forget with that board you need to press Ctrl+F1 in the main bios screen to access the advanced functions.

Also don't forget to disable EIST and the other crap before attempting to clock.

Other things I would do is:
1. download and flash to the latest bios version (F5 currently, the board will most likely come equipped with F2 bios).
2. Download & Install latest chipset drivers.
3. Download & install updated Marvell Yukon drivers (otherwise after a week or so you may find that you lose your LAN port)
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Thanks for the information too. I just build my new system the other day/night and was checking up further no information.

It's kinda crappy Gigabyte doesn't just say what voltage something will run, but instead use a +.3v or something.
Same thing for the health monitor. No decent voltage monitors.
prism said:
Thanks for the information too. I just build my new system the other day/night and was checking up further no information.

It's kinda crappy Gigabyte doesn't just say what voltage something will run, but instead use a +.3v or something.
Same thing for the health monitor. No decent voltage monitors.
hi prism what cpu voltage are u using and what overclcok,

None at the moment.
Gonna do it after I Windows installed properly.
So should be today after I get some sleep.

I didn't even notice your name untill now.
How's the DQ6 for you so far?
I have run Vista RC1 latest and RC2 so far. Both install very nicely, and run very nice too at stock speeds. Had a 5 on the performance monitor. 5.9 on the drives :D WDC 1600YD in RAID0.
Monstermunch said:
2. Download & Install latest chipset drivers.
3. Download & install updated Marvell Yukon drivers (otherwise after a week or so you may find that you lose your LAN port)

Hi monstermunch...

Could you link me to these drivers ?

Ive only found the same ones on th GB website as they are on the CD ... and from the intel site, the driver deosnt seem to install :s (im on a DS3 btw)
prism said:
None at the moment.
Gonna do it after I Windows installed properly.
So should be today after I get some sleep.

I didn't even notice your name untill now.
How's the DQ6 for you so far?
I have run Vista RC1 latest and RC2 so far. Both install very nicely, and run very nice too at stock speeds. Had a 5 on the performance monitor. 5.9 on the drives :D WDC 1600YD in RAID0.
i dont have the DQ6 yet m8, its on its way, i just wanted to know everyones settings so i could get straight to it, should be here tommoorow so i will let you know ;)
I got it running at 3.2GHZ now. Default VCore and only the adjustments posted earlier in this thread.
Max load temp is around 40C.
Here's the Bios settings on my DS4 with an e6300 ;)

So your 800MHz memory is running 190MHz above specifications?
Very impressive.

Last night I took my CPU up higher. Which wasn't a succcess,
I set the FSB from 400MHz to 450MHz, and the VCore too 1.300V.
It now boots with a bunch of beebs, and resets after a 2 seconds.

It was too late too reset the CMOS, so I will do that tonight and bump the VCore up to the 1.475V as mentioned in the opening post. Maybe that works.
prism said:
So your 800MHz memory is running 190MHz above specifications?
Very impressive.

Last night I took my CPU up higher. Which wasn't a succcess,
I set the FSB from 400MHz to 450MHz, and the VCore too 1.300V.
It now boots with a bunch of beebs, and resets after a 2 seconds.

It was too late too reset the CMOS, so I will do that tonight and bump the VCore up to the 1.475V as mentioned in the opening post. Maybe that works.
keep us posted, my DQ6 is arriving today, just need to format and i will be away :p
Well i got my DQ6 :D and i am absoloutly blown away this board is the best i have ever seen, i was half expecting it not to boot first time due to my ram but it did, i am so happy with it, i would recomend it to anyone thinking of going down the core 2 duo route
prism said:
So your 800MHz memory is running 190MHz above specifications?
Very impressive.

Last night I took my CPU up higher. Which wasn't a succcess,
I set the FSB from 400MHz to 450MHz, and the VCore too 1.300V.
It now boots with a bunch of beebs, and resets after a 2 seconds.

It was too late too reset the CMOS, so I will do that tonight and bump the VCore up to the 1.475V as mentioned in the opening post. Maybe that works.

You should be up'ing the FSB - 5 or 10Mhz at a time and stress testing at each setting really... So if and when it fails or crashes - you know what you last changed etc...
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