What Dvds Should I Buy?

sgx.saint said:
and Pan's Labyrinth, that is if it is out on DVD yet.

It is out already I believe and I've heard a few people say that it is very good. Going to have to try and get hold of it myself.
div0 said:
I would agree entirely. Rarely am I dissapointed by a film when I go to the cinema, as I'm a fairly simple soul, who's pretty easily pleased ;) But Hot Fuzz was a dreadful film and for a comedy, it only managed to muster about 2 or 3 moments that were even remotely funny.
Funnily enough I thought so too! :(

I liked Shaun of the Dead, but Hot Fuzz just didn't live up to my expectations!
div0 said:
I would agree entirely. Rarely am I dissapointed by a film when I go to the cinema, as I'm a fairly simple soul, who's pretty easily pleased ;) But Hot Fuzz was a dreadful film and for a comedy, it only managed to muster about 2 or 3 moments that were even remotely funny.
Agreed, I was expecting loads from Hot Fuzz after what I had heard but it was poor.
div0 said:
Hot Fuzz was a dreadful film

strange because i loved hot fuzz and didnt think much of sean of the dead

and Pan's Labyrinth, that is if it is out on DVD yet

i didnt think that much of it, im probably the minority as far as thats concerned but dont expect to be amazed. it been out atleast 4 months btw

if i was you i would consider renting them all and buying them after when they are a lot cheaper as you will potentially be wasting a lot of money even more so if it turns out you dont like the film. atleast if you dont like it when you rent it you have will have only wasted £3 or so.

i am guilty of buying films i havent even watched at the cinema at release date prices and i regret most of my purchases so dont say we didnt warn you (even though most of those that have been recomended are solid films doesnt guarantee you will like them) if you have watched them all then i guess its a different story
the name of the rose has been remastered now, if you havent seen it (or even if you have) now is the time to get it .. only 5 sheets too ..
Apocalypto was great, 300 was good once, the others on your list were a bit disappointing.

I've not seen anything come to DVD recently that I would rush out and buy. Blood Diamond was ok, if you can stomach Leonardo Di Caprio's massive inability to do any accent but American
Wardie said:
My mate has warned me of this ha-ha, is it as bad as he makes out?
Seriously? Could do with a p->t transplant ;)

Only redeeming feature: Kelly Carlson with her babs out.
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