What earphones? General Use

think i'll get myself a pair of cx400's £20 is cheap as chips for decent earphones :)

my sony ex71's are falling to bits now (had them about 4 years, and i really don't take any care of them)

I had the Sony ex71s, do you find the wires tangle for fun? Every time i got them out of my pocket i had to spend 5 mins untangling them. They had good sound though, was gutted when they fell out of my ear and got tangled in my bike gears :(.

The Sen cx300s sound better IMO so the later models cx400 or 500 should be a good upgrade.
Get some Creative EP630s off well known auction site- £8.50 for 2 pairs and they are honestly disturbingly good considering that price. I just ordered another 4 pairs earlier today. Not to say they don't last a long time, I've had 3 so far over the past 3 years with MEGA heavy use, I use them in my phone, my MP3 player, my computer etc. - the only reason they die is because I end up pulling the cable too hard and they get a loose connection.

They came free with my dell laptop and are pretty poor imo.
I have the Ultimate Ears Super Fi 5 EB Black, pure heaven in headphones. A little expensive (£100) but the older i get the more fussy i am with quality of sound. Maybe its my ear maturing :) Got my eye on their top of the range pair for next year now
I'd look at getting some HD555s second hand then. You wont get anything good for that price. I went from £30 Technics ones to these and the difference was staggering. The quality will still be there long after the price is forgotten ;).
I have the Ultimate Ears Super Fi 5 EB Black, pure heaven in headphones. A little expensive (£100) but the older i get the more fussy i am with quality of sound. Maybe its my ear maturing :) Got my eye on their top of the range pair for next year now

These are nice.
Sennheiser CX300's are good, I used to have Shure E2C's but when they broke I got a refund and got the cheaper CX300's, much better and also cheaper.

I use Sennheiser HD595 when inside and the CX300's when out.
I have the Ultimate Ears Super Fi 5 EB Black, pure heaven in headphones. A little expensive (£100) but the older i get the more fussy i am with quality of sound. Maybe its my ear maturing :) Got my eye on their top of the range pair for next year now

I too have the Super.fi 5 EB's and they are lovely. They do look a little silly when your wearing them but the pure aural bliss that is emitted from them makes up for that! Also, if your not a basshead I would get the Super.fi 5 Pro's instead!
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