what easy chord songs to learn

meh, sounds quite nice on my tele.


Strum each one once and let it ring for about 2 seconds before strumming the next.
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have you not seen my guitar?



btw is was more a pun on my poor playing then your chord sequence :)
Doohickey said:
Ah, I see where we've got mixed up, you said Am barre chord in your first post which I thought you meant Am barred at fret 5. That Am moved to fret 2 is F#m.

Have you been on the sauce? :p

Am barred at the 5th is Dm. Am at the 2nd is Bm. F#m is the Em shape at fret 2.
Belmit said:
Have you been on the sauce? :p

Am barred at the 5th is Dm. Am at the 2nd is Bm. F#m is the Em shape at fret 2.

No I meant this Am! :p


I may have got my terminology mixed up, but that's what I understood to be the Am barre chord, as opposed to the Am shape.
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Here's a few I started out on (and still play too much):

Jet - Move on
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
The Eagles - Hotel California (couple of barred)
Pink Floyd - Mother
Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
Dream Theater - Through Her Eyes
Pink Floyd - Pigs on the Wing (short, but sweet!)
The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Venice Queen

There's a ton more but none come to mind at the moment, sorry!
thank you all again

thank you most of all nix - looking back through the thread i saw the johnny cash edit - i heard that song ages ago on the radio, really liked it, then forgot all about it - thank you for reminding me

edit: its originaly by NIN :eek:
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m3csl2004 said:
dont start arguing in my poor thread :( its only a chord :D

for the record, i wasnt arguing, we just got confused. i knew i was right and i was trying to communicate my rightness :)
m3csl2004 said:

its just using bars in general that get me lol - ill have to learn them at some point though, ill have a go next week :)

You may well be trying to do this already, but barres are much easier if you use more of the side of your index rather than the face, it's easier on the wrist. :)
GnR - KNockin on heavens door. G D C then in the verse it alternates GDC to GDA but yeah, don't get much simpler than that one. (the actual chords are different if you try playing to the track cos it's 1/2 step down. Why i have no idea, sounds fine on standard tuning)

Paranoid - Sabbath. Should be played muted chords about 12th but you can slip em down. actually sounds pretty good if you have one guitar playing that and the other playing an octave up. Works with the 5ths too but doesn't sound as metally.
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