you could have just used her real first name. we don't know her second name, her college or your city. but that's irrelevant, keep up the good work on building and maintaining what ever lalala land story is going on in your head today.If you type in her real name, college, and my city, it comes up with her info on the colleges website fyi.
no they don't. just because you're such a hopelessly unemployable case that people are advising you to lie does not mean that everyone does it.Yes they do because I've been advised endlessly to do it myself if I want a job.
how can anyone read what you 'meant' to say. you're starting to confuse yourself. take a break or this whole fantasy will start to crumble. remember, you're also heavily invested in being a bit deranged in the katie hopkins thread too so you're at risk of spreading yourself too thin.Read what I actually said, or meant to say.
the fun will end if this all implodes. so please, for entertainments sake, take a bit of time off to compose yourself and read back over some of your posts just to get yourself back on track.