What fps keeps you comin back for more?

23 Mar 2011
I cant seem to stick to one lately, play a round of bf4, rage quit. Play cs:go casually, get bored or again frustrated and quit, recently got advanced warfare cheap but same really doesnt have anything to make me want to put the time and hours in

Im slightly interested in Arma 3 but im not sure what that is, when i look on twitch it seems like people role playing cops and robbers, not doing war stuff?

Any suggestions? Dabbled in tf2 and dirty bomb recently, both obviously good but again not got the want to keep playing them

AH, FPS. all the cs games have had me hooked. I spent a massive massive amount of time on cs 1.6, a large amount on cs:s and not so much on cs:go.

I might just fire up cs 1.6 sometime soon now. I imagine only the die hards are left and I will get destroyed though.
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The only that comes close to keeping me hooked is BF.

I have to have breaks from it though as I get super bored after a couple of weeks.
BF4....over 500 hours since release and playing right this very minute....

....so many different ways in which the game can be played.....never get bored.
Seems like im playing some of the good ones then, maybe i need to change how i approach them?

Is insurgency any good?

Its very tactical and difficult at first but apparently its a lot of fun once you get into it.

A lot of people communicate even in pubs.
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