What game did you last buy full price?

13 Nov 2014
As the title say's, What was the last game you bought at retail price?

Also you could include the average amount you will spend on a game, or if you prefer to wait while it drops in price or buy elsewhere e.g. key sites/sales.
Battlefield 4 Deluxe, can't remember the cost but I went direct via Origin, same as the premium DLC content.

Now I prefer to wait until the price drops unless it is a huge game that I want. I will also always use key sites now for the big releases. For games I'm not sure on I will go via Steam and take use of their refund policy if I don't like it.
Battlefield 4 Deluxe, can't remember the cost but I went direct via Origin, same as the premium DLC content.

Now I prefer to wait until the price drops unless it is a huge game that I want. I will also always use key sites now for the big releases. For games I'm not sure on I will go via Steam and take use of their refund policy if I don't like it.

Ah cool, i was disappointed with battlefield 4 also bought full price, my last full price game was Witcher 3 i caved and payed like £50, still haven't gotten round to playing properly.

And next will probably be fallout 4 as i've never used a CD key site and prefer steam sales and humble bundles.

But ever since they put a £50 price tag on a PC game i just can't seem to part with the cash for a game, sometime's £70 for the deluxe version, then with added £50 for the season pass it's going to cost you a fortune to get the entire game.
Mario Maker Wii U bundle @ £240. On PC Rocket League for £15.

Generally I spend about £5 max per game when it's on sale, the above 2 are very rare exceptions where I buy a game on release.
Tropico 5 pre-ordered through Steam (£35 I think)
Waste of money.

Will generally look to get 50% off via key sites or wait for sales as I don't buy new games that often (Witcher 3 and GTA V came with GPU so they've kept me busy)

Fallout 4, SW:Battlefront and XCOM 2 might require immediate purchase....
Battlefield 3, actually pre ordered for around the £25 mark I think.

It was also the last game I pre ordered.

Now I just buy games when they are very very cheap in the Steam sales. Although I don't think I've bought anything in the last two sales.
Elite Dangerous........ I hardly ever pay full price for games, & TBH I wish I hadn't paid £50 for ED as I've played it for 10 hours at most.

Before that... I'm honestly not sure. RDR, perhaps? But I had a load of gift vouchers to use up. It's such a long time since I used to go and buy games at release, I really couldn't say.
Battlefield 4 + Premium... waste of money, because it was so bugged on the beginning that I didn't play much... after they sorted out the bugs I was not interested in playing it anymore.

ah and The Crew... even bigger waste of money, the game was OK, full of bugs and Ubisoft support is the worst... I'm not buing any Ubisoft title in the future.

GTA V paid almost full price, fully worth it, great as offline and online game, not many bugs... the only thing the ruins the game is the amount of cheaters.
COD BOps on the xbox 360. Queued up with the rest of the chavs at Tesco, however I got there early and was at the front of the queue and had a nice conversation with an older chap about quickscoping.
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