What games actually use dual core?

Yewen said:
BF2 is single threaded, only runs on the one core, but can get cripled if it is set to affinity on both cores.

Cracking example of a poorly coded game with people who make patches that break it. :D

Phrase is dude "its in the patch"
modo77 said:
Oblivion uses the 2nd core fully. I upgraded from 64 3500 to a 3800 X2 and my fps very nearly doubled.

If you were running at 640x480 I could almost believe you. Even the developers said it only makes a small use of the 2nd core. Even if it did use it fully, twice the cpu speed doesn't make twice the framerate as you'd be gpu limited.
there are a few config tweaks for oblivion which makes it use the potential of dual core a little better. ID have the right idea patching games to support dual core fully, would be great if others could follow suit for games such as Bf2 and oblivion cos they cain most systems out.
Datamonkey said:
Phrase is dude "its in the patch"

Yup, 100's of bugs, so lets add features that make more!

Was worked out and proven that for each patch that removed one issue 12 new ones were introduced into BF2, EA need to learn the point of a patch, and what a addon pack is! :mad:
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