What games are you still waiting for (that aren't Half Life 3!)

Lineage Eternal & Lost Ark - Haven't seen anything that comes close tto how spectacular these aRPG's look.

Aion 2 or Blade & Soul EU - Really enjoyed the Ruski B&S but would prefer a better ping and proper converstion (due soon)
Star Wars: Battlefront 3 (Although being EA I am pretty much expecting it to be a piece of heavily disappointing turd)
Just Cause 3
Fallout 4

@benjii AFAIK Fallout 4 is definitely happening, and I'm sure the same with JC3
The delayed one: GTA V (I think we are on the 4th delay now)

The gonna happen eventually one: TES6 (Hopefully they learn from the shortcomings and mods of skyrim)

The controversial one: The next treyarch CoD (I love BO2, great PC cod made in 2 years, this one has had 3)

The never gonna happen cause I'm the only one who cares one: GTA IV Part 2 (I cared wayyyy to much about Niko's story and want to see what happened after the events of IV)
Definitely waiting for The Division! Strangely also Windows 10...

I just hope they don't fudge it like Watch_Dogs.
The Elder Scrolls 6
Witcher 3
Doom 4
Half Life 3
Total War: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Fallout 4
Space Hulk Deathwing
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