What games surpassed your expectations?

28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Okay, let's get some useful and positive answers!

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Tombraider (New One)
Middle Earth: Shadow of Modor
Everquest 2(a long time ago, when first released, a bit earlier that WoW)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Assassins Creed 3 (Got bad press, by the press and gamers).
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (MASSIVE SURPRISE)
Fallout 3
Dragon Age: Inquistion (after Dragon Age 2, I expected the worse)
Need for Speed : Hot Pursuit
Resident Evil 5 Co-Op
Spec Ops - The Line
X-COM : Enemy Unknown
Forza Horizon 3, Amazing. Biggest Surprise since Riddick. If you don't own it, buy it, racing fan or not!

Some blasts from the past, it's just something special that surprises me, either a genre I don't like, a low scoring game, a ambience that doesn't usually appeal to me, things like that.
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Wolfenstein: The New Order gets a vote from me too. Much better than i thought it would be. Dishonored is up there too. I expected nothing from the first game and it turned out to be a fun and fast paced FPS.

Old game, but i've only just recently played it.. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers... never heard of the series before and bought it in a sale on GOG. not quite up there with the 90s Lucasarts adventures, but it gets really close.

Gabriel Knight? Only the BEST point and click adventure EVER! The second one might not of aged to well, but when it came out I loved it, worth trying.
Why's Forza Horizon 3 so great? I have the first two but they didn't grip me for long.

No driving game has ever gripped me, though Super Monaco GP 1&2 on the Megadrive did... this however, well it is just complete fun. Game of the Year material, and I don't tend to like driving games.

No Forza has impressed me before this.
not for me... I was brought up on Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Monkey Island. Those will always occupy a special place in my heart.

I do have GK 2 on GOG.. i found it very difficult to get into because of the FMV and general graphical style, maybe i should give it another chance

Same here, regards Fate of Atlantis, Monkey Island 1&2. The mystery and acting in Gabriel Knight was perfect for the age I was at.
Mad Max
Shadow of Mordor

Mad Max will probably surprise me too, just so many games in my queue... like I'm playing Dishonoured and not really getting it yet, maybe I should switch to Mad Max because I do own it.

EDIT: Forza Horizon 3 is taking up 90% of my game time!!!! :)
Shadows of Mordor
Divinity: Original Sin
Witcher 3

I'm chomping at the bit to get into Dishonoured, it has a fascinating story, even the tales in the books, and the sequel looks brilliant. Maybe I'll move onto Mad Max and revisit Dishonoured when the second one is released, that way I won't be disappointed if the second one is not too good.
Witcher 3, played 1&2 and while I did have a fairly high bar, number 3 blew all my expectations, in particular the expansion packs.

Another nice surprise was Ash's of the Singularity. I only got it for the benchmark to be honest, but ended up putting a fair amount of hours in. Not great still but better then I thought, and brought back a Supreme Commander feeling.

I was going to put Witcher 3 actually... I didn't read up on the hype so didn't expect much, but it was my game of the year last year.
A couple of others:

Operation Flashpoint (2001 original)
The first FPS with complete free-roam and for the time, the maps were huge! Back in 2001, nothing had been seen before with the same scope - I still play today. It has its quirks (loads). It always makes me smile, when random none scripted moments occur (tanks being blown to orbit) Brilliant!

Left For Dead :)


Prison Architect for me

For an Early Access game, they really nailed it. Still one of my favourite games out there :)

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer by far.

Initially I expected a complete flop/waste of resources - ended up being one of the best cooperative multiplayer experiences in recent years and the salvation of the franchise.

Forgot about Hitman, easily takes the top spot for my biggest surprise in the last two years. Fantastic level design, immensely replayable and tons of fun.

Some really cool game mentions. Hitman is on my bucket list, even though every past Hitman bored me eventually. I have Prison Architect which I will play. Mass Effect multiplayer I did like.
Recently for me it has to be Stardew valley. I picked it up when it came out (I loved the harvest moon games when I was younger) and I absolutely fell in love with the game. I really didn't expect it to be as much fun as it is and there is a lot to it. I stopped playing for a while but am now back into it with the recent big update and it's really good fun. Well worth the £10 you can pick it up for now, I've paid a lot more for big games that have let me down.

Dark Souls.

I originally tried Demon Souls on the PS3 and didn't really enjoy it ( got about an hour in). I impulsively bought Dark Souls for my PS3 thinking that maybe I was wrong. Didn't really like it on my first outing.

My brother gifted me Dark Souls on steam about a year later. I had no intention of playing it but tried it again to try and relieve my RPG itch. 150+ hours later I was hooked on a second playthrough.

The series now remains my favourite.

I agree, in fact I'm adding Dark Souls to my list as it did the same to me as it did to you :)
Assassin's Creed Syndicate is the first game that sprang to mind. A real return to form from the series with far superior gameplay to the previous 3 titles Other than that-

Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall
Sleeping Dogs(really underrated imo)
Mark of The Ninja
Kingdoms of Amulur(It dose sooo much right, but unfortunately didn't seem to get many people playing it. I would have loved a sequel)
Salt and Sanctuary(had high hopes, but it exceeded them by far)

That is about it I think.

Edit- Also, the Skyrim Mod Enderal. Better than most games released nowadays.

Very interesting list.
Just started gaming again after about 10 years break,
Favourite games of past were far cry, painkiller, Hidden and dangerous, max payne.
Currently playing new Doom

Welcome back to the real world... recommendations... Doom? hmmm. Try Crysis 1,2 and 3 if you like your FPS, or Dark Souls 3 for the best RPG action(very difficult, scarily possibly!), Skyrim is a wonderful world to live in and relax, new updated version coming out soon. Best car game=Forza Horizon 3.

Welcome back!
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