what guitar (I know there is a preference involved) ?

23 May 2006
I play metal N metal, and yes more metal. My first guitar was an Encore e1, that fell down the stairs so that doesn't count, I moved onto a Peavey predator EXP w/floyd and white binding, picked it up for about 180. It was steal awsome guitar, meets my needs.
I have a randall Rh100 G2 head and a marshall AVT :rolleyes: 4x12 cab, (it sounds ok (they are celestions))
My rig is well suited to my music style but I want a new guitar for about 200 pounds that will play metal well. i know there is an element of personal preferance but i want some direction on where to go. I was looking at the 1)Ibanez RG370Dx, I've seen some (online) with Infinity pickups and some with powersound. by things I have read Inf are the ones to be had. But also things dont come as the picture.
2) some kind of jackson dinky.
3) just saw one today. A cort X6 are they any good? body looks quite nice.
4) maybe a Bc rich, I like the bitch and mocking bird shapes

Basically I need a metal axe.


Ps are morley Wahs anygood?
I wouldn't buy ANYTHING with a floating trem for £200, especially not the 370DX, one of my students has one and the edge-pro 3(?) trem goes out of tune very easily.

Look into the Ibanez RG321, it's fixed bridged (perfect for drop tuning), 2 humbuckers, if you replace the pups you'll have a fantastic guitar for the money. One of my students has just got one and it plays wonderfully, can be had new from GAK for less than £200 too.
Don't go for the BC Rich ones, they stereotype you waaaay too much and tbh look a bit carp. Some excellent reviews can be seen over at http://www.harmony-central.com/User_Reviews/, I always check out people's reviews before making a final decision..

As Andelusion says, check the auction sites for some good deals - you aren't going to get much for your money brand new, but you should get a half-decent second hand one :)
I used to have an R321 with powersounds. I'm pretty sure they ship with the better INF pickups these days. Twas a nice guitar. Very simple. Lovely neck. Do go check em out.
yeh they have the 3 piece wizard 2 necks I think.
I was looking at the edge 3 trem, I've got a floyd rose Orig and its perfect. I would like a wrap around bridge that looks sort of like the tuna :D matics.
I wont go for the 370DX. on harmony central it says that cheap jackson = £$%^
and cheap Ibanez = value. How cheaply can a jem be found for?

I'm loving the look of Ibanez RG350DX (has edge :( )
I would like it to be white or black.
I got about 270 pounds
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Ibanez RG 7321


A wonderful sounding 7 string for the money. Very cheap as well
The 7321 is just a 321 with 7 strings as the name suggests :D They're VERY nice indeed, just like the 321.

If he's playing metal then he may take to one, if you're wanting an upgrade guitar to have as a main player then you may prefer a regular 6 string.

The INF pickups are ***** on the RG321, I completely forgot about 'powersounds' rofl they must sound like turd.

If you order a set of replacement pups for the RG321 (£70ish if you look on ebay for a decent set, I just got a dimarzio breed neck and dimarzio d-sonic bridge for a pound shy of £70 inc shipping) you'll have a fantastic guitar.

Seriously don't bother with the 370. The bridge is so bad, even the top of the range edge-pros on the new Jems/JS's etc aren't as good as the original top end ibanez bridges (lo-pro and original edge).
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I'll use it along my main guitar. I love my peavey, it plays like a dream, honestly.. you know how you become so attached to a guitar?
are the esp ltd f series any good? I love the shape.
Is the RG321 the 6 string version of the RG7321?, I am just asking as I'm wondering if the build quality is as good.
I would like a white guitar as well, I think they look awsome. has the edge bridge got the same mounting holes as a floyd? because I would be interested in Ibanez RG350DX its white, and I could replace the bridge. I read that Mick thompson has a fixed bridge version of the edge maybe that is an option?

Can you guys see what I'l after here?
1. =< £270
2. = Stat shape
3. Black or white
4. 2 humbuckers
5. not bothered about what kind of bridge ti is as long as it is good.
You can't drop a floyd into the new edge-pro bodies without routing out the cavity.
The RG7321 is made in Korea as is the RG321 so build quality will be similar, it should be good for the money though, as I said the 321 I played felt very solid and had decent fretwork.

The mick-thompson fixed bridge edge will have been the edge-fx (also on the JS2000) you can't buy them seperately (even harder to get hold of than regular ibanez floaters) and I'm almost certain you wouldn't be able to fit those into any other guitar without serious modification.

Seriously dude. Get either the RG7321 or 321 and replace the pickups, you'll be able to do that for £270. You won't be dissapointed.
yeh I dont play 7 stringers so the RG321 is the one? but the colour options. it has blue or weathered black, I WANT WHITE :mad: :mad: :mad: lol
or shiny black.

ESP F series?
The weathered black finish is cool! Ibanez.com stock pics are rubbish, they usually look nothing like the actual guitar, more like a computer generated image.

Don't know much about ESP.. harmony central it :)
collisster said:
yeh I dont play 7 stringers so the RG321 is the one? but the colour options. it has blue or weathered black, I WANT WHITE :mad: :mad: :mad: lol
or shiny black.

ESP F series?

It is shiny black.

They're wonderful guitars, I was pleasently surprised to find it had a 3 piece neck and white binding. It's really good quality for the price
Nah it says its weathered black. I cant find any shops which have these guitars in atm, Sound control, rhythm house, kays or route 66 dont have them (I live in stoke btw)

what music except korn could I play on a seven string?
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collisster said:
Nah it says its weathered black. I cant find any shops which have these guitars in atm, Sound control, rhythm house, kays or route 66 dont have them (I live in stoke btw)

what music except korn could I play on a seven string?

Early Chimaira? stuff, thats all I know that use 7s lol.

Ive only heard good things about ESP guitars. well the £500+ ones.

My birthdays next month and I want to upgrade my yammy012. Can anyone reccomend something for £400max please?

So far I like the look of this

Must have a fixed bridge.
collisster said:
Nah it says its weathered black. I cant find any shops which have these guitars in atm, Sound control, rhythm house, kays or route 66 dont have them (I live in stoke btw)

what music except korn could I play on a seven string?

Loads, Dream Theater, Meshuggah, Sikth, Cryptopsy off the top of my head for metal bands.

Metal gets loads of crunch when you start playing in the bass registers such as A standard or F standard.

Outside of metal, Soul and Gopsel music pretty much demands an Eb and having the extra string gives you a lot more positions to play in.

I don't understand how it can say weathered black because i've actually played one and it was shiney

As for ESPs, they're ok but their tone lacks definition which Ibanezes have. Their baritone guitars are brilliant however
RSH said:
My birthdays next month and I want to upgrade my yammy012. Can anyone reccomend something for £400max please?

Must have a fixed bridge.

Definately definately definately look into getting a second hand Ibanez RGA121 off ebay. (picture)

I got mine for £350 in good condition and it's my favourite guitar ever, I hardly touch my £1500+ Jem anymore because of it.

The bridge is fantastic, ergonomic and easy to palm mute with, they're my favourite frets on any Ibanez, and the neck is very comfortable. With a pickup change it's just a fantastic guitar.
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Andelusion said:
Definately definately definately look into getting a second hand Ibanez RGA121 off ebay. (picture)

I got mine for £350 in good condition and it's my favourite guitar ever, I hardly touch my £1500+ Jem anymore because of it.

The bridge is fantastic, ergonomic and easy to palm mute with, they're my favourite frets on any Ibanez, and the neck is very comfortable. With a pickup change it's just a fantastic guitar.

Cheers will take a look.
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