what guitar (I know there is a preference involved) ?

flamin ell hijacking my thread lol. s'ok. :p :p . I'm currenly looking at schecter damien 6, it looks a lot of guitar for the money. any other good schecters under 300 pounds?

collisster said:
flamin ell hijacking my thread lol. s'ok. :p :p . I'm currenly looking at schecter damien 6, it looks a lot of guitar for the money. any other good schecters under 300 pounds?


I don't like shecter guitars. Their distortion tone is really crappy. No definition what so ever.

Plus they're too shiney, nice, but tasteless.
yeh well I want to get it right. do you know if oyu have to pay for a guitar first if you want to try it out at sound control, becuase they dont have it in they ill have to order it. would I need a deposit? hope that makes sense
ooofff holy thread revival :eek: :eek: in the end I waited untill christmas and got the esp m200 fm. its a beast, only one problem with it I think I've got a dud E string lol, no clarity to it and I cant get pinch harmonics out of i for some reason that 1 string sounds crappy.. is there such a thing?




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Talk about luck! :eek:
I've been looking for a new guitar for a while now, and that RGA121 is beautiful! It's just what iv'e been looking for. I had an ESP LTD deluxe in mind, or the Mike Mushok Ibanez, but thats nicer than all of em.
Jonesiani said:
Talk about luck! :eek:
I've been looking for a new guitar for a while now, and that RGA121 is beautiful! It's just what iv'e been looking for. I had an ESP LTD deluxe in mind, or the Mike Mushok Ibanez, but thats nicer than all of em.

the Mike Mushok Ibanez baritone is a dream to play! so deep and crunchy :D
I changed the strings to some beefy slinkeys and its ripping like a good un :D,,, what are those breed pickups like sounds liek a plan... ne advice?

collisster said:
oooffff no I didn't. any other good passive pickups for metal style ??


Dimarzio X2N, Dimarzio D-Sonic (Good for cut mid crunch with creamy soloing), Dimarzio ToneZone.

you dont always have to have the "highest output" pickups to be good for metal.

for metal i'd always recommend Dimarzio though on the passive side of things.
Jumping in on this thread rather than starting a new one...

I'm in the market for a new electric guitar and amp. I have a budget of around £600. I bought a Crafter accoustic about 6 months ago and have taught myself so far but now feel limited to what I can play due to the nature of the guitar itself.

I have quite small hands so a thinner neck would be prefered. I'm trying to practice various runs however finding this a little tricky on the accoustic even when amplified.

I enjoy the usual stuff - ac/dc, van halen, satriani, queensryche etc and am looking for setup that will allow me to progress further in that style. I'd prefer to keeps thinks simple at the moment as given my current level of ability I don't think I would notice much difference. For instance I've noticed the RG321 is recommended along with seperate pickups - would I get away with a standard 321 for now? I could always upgrade the pickups later once I start to notice the difference maybe?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

edit: been reading this thread since http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17727053 and the RG321 is mentioned again.
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