What happened to Cyberpunk

8 Feb 2004
Anyone remember the cyberpunk games that were around in the mid to late 90's? I can't remember any specific games, but I liked the idea of this gritty, future world mixing druggy fluorescent-lit strip clubs with mind enhancing drugs and violence.

Basically the genre was a bit like the film Bladerunner.

Were there any decent titles available? I'd love to see a modern MMORPG built around a cyperpunk world.
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mmorpg released a few years back called neocron that was very cyberpunky, i was really interested when i heard about it but played a trial very briefly and didnt like it.

they actually released a sequel called beyond dome of york even tho the original didnt seem to do very well. i remember hearing you could even get and decorate an apartment of your own. think one of the main downers in the reviews i read was the lack of people, u have this huge sprawling metropolis which was basically empty as there were so few subscribers. i may be wrong on some of this so don't quote me.

you can have a free 10 day trial of neocron 2 by going to the official site


or you could just go read neuromancer by william gibson.




the screenies above don't look too bad, but i recommend checking out the 50mb trailer before downloading the 1.87gb client as it looks utterly awful, esp a bit at the end that has u fighting beasts outside the city... i know gfx don't make a game but damn this bitch is ugly. heh. u have been warned.
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caff said:
Were there any decent titles available? I'd love to see a modern MMORPG built around a cyperpunk world.

To me the cyberpunk genre pretty much died with the release of The Matrix movies. It was already on the way out when they were released and I think most people started to get fed up with the ideals of it.

Shame as I was also a fan (thanks to Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop rpg by R. Talsorian).
Ah, Neocron - that name rings a bell. I'll have a look at the demo just out of curiosity I think. However if its a poor game, then any sense of atmosphere is killed immediately. Some of those screenshots remind me of Deus Ex, which was a bit Cyberpunk in some of the locations and the way you could upgrade your body.

Yeah I wasn't keen on the Matrix, just didn't feel gritty enough - the stories were more cyber-hacker than cyber-punk. I'd like to see more developers exploring this genre.
Definately, it has a lot to offer developers. I think the most cyberpunk-ish game I played was Bloodnet, a sort of Vampire/Cyberpunk cross-over title.
Used to play Neocron but left it for the EVE beta test. I enjoyed it but it was very buggy, and very little effort was made to fix them. We even had lvl capped chars named after bugs thats how long standing some of them were.

As already stated the main problem was lack of players, there were 4 servers when I played and the busiest they got was about 400 people per server
afraser2k said:
Definately, it has a lot to offer developers. I think the most cyberpunk-ish game I played was Bloodnet, a sort of Vampire/Cyberpunk cross-over title.

Yes, I remember this too. Kept me enthralled for hours on my Amiga.
I played Neocron its REALY bad, the people who played it seemed the MOST unfrendly bunch EVER and the games about as interesting as a wasp enima.
I've never acutaly been so abused before in my life
it made me wonder why people bothered playing at all
Never a problem with the community to be honest, I was on the Saturn server. But then again I very rarely frequented the forums
caff said:
Ah, Neocron - that name rings a bell. I'll have a look at the demo just out of curiosity I think. However if its a poor game, then any sense of atmosphere is killed immediately. Some of those screenshots remind me of Deus Ex, which was a bit Cyberpunk in some of the locations and the way you could upgrade your body.

Yeah I wasn't keen on the Matrix, just didn't feel gritty enough - the stories were more cyber-hacker than cyber-punk. I'd like to see more developers exploring this genre.

ever try the demo of neocron then mate?
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