What happened to Cyberpunk

Whoa - worlds most revived thread :p

For the record, we need a good Cyberpunk MMORPG - Neocron was cack (beta tested it several years ago). Neocron2 doesnt look much better (or even a different game :confused: ).
Neocron was a good game if you could get into it properly which was not easy due to half the community being really childish, i played it for about 2 years on the Pluto server.

Used to keep me up till 4 - 6am quite often when i was at college.

Once you got into the game properly it could be quite hard to put down, thats why we used to call it Neocrack.
Iamzod said:
Neocron was a good game if you could get into it properly which was not easy due to half the community being really childish, i played it for about 2 years on the Pluto server.

Used to keep me up till 4 - 6am quite often when i was at college.

Once you got into the game properly it could be quite hard to put down, thats why we used to call it Neocrack.

world of warcrack

it me or is crack getting a really bad reputation ;)
sormicoft said:
anyone remember that old snes favourite shadowrun?
loved it. in fact i played it through again not that long ago.

from the ending - "i'll see you in shadowrun 2 jake!" :D

cant wait for the 360 version. though it'll probably be naff. :/
I've always wanted to play Neocron, from what you guys have said however, sounds a bit crap.
What about Anarchy Online, im sure that had futuristic cities (though not in a cyberpunk fashion)
I never played Cyberpunk the computer game but around 12 years ago I played loads of the real life role play (if that makes sense!). We had a really imaginative guy running the games... those were the days. Cyberpunk all afternoon then lugging around 486s and null modem cables for Doom in the evening.
clv101 said:
I never played Cyberpunk the computer game but around 12 years ago I played loads of the real life role play (if that makes sense!). We had a really imaginative guy running the games... those were the days. Cyberpunk all afternoon then lugging around 486s and null modem cables for Doom in the evening.

Man, being a geek 10 years ago was so different to being a geek today :p
The cyberpumk genre was based on William's Gibsons Neuromancer series of novels, and they were set around 2013-2020.

The problem being, we're almost there and almost none of the stuff has happened yet. No neural jacks, no hover cars. No designer body boosting either :(

If you want THE BEST Cyberpunk style game, go play Deus Ex. Now thats a proper game ;)
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