what headphones do you own thread - i own dt150's :)

Wondering what materials people find most comfortable during hot weather? The room where I use my PC can get pretty hot and my current headphones (Fidelio X2) I find get my head hot quite fast but it also has quite a thick/wide headband. I tried my Momentum's but I think they are pleather/leather so that felt sweaty quite fast.

I think I want PM's again, my first taste was the Audeze Penrose which due to price I'm guessing was quite an entry level set, but I really liked the sound on them, I just couldn't tolerate the pain from wearing them. I know it's not ideal but I'm leaning towards wireless stuff these days which really limits me.
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Velour/microfibre pads are the way to go for hot weather. You want the pads to breathe if you're using closed back can, open-air cans less of an issue as the air pushing through the entire cup creates breathing naturally although I still wouldn't want leather contact surface on my ears/head because it just gets a bit grim if the weather gets too toasty.

Just curious @BananaDunka, when you're doing your comparison listening tests, do you use music only or do you check out games and/or movies too? Does performance in gaming matter to you that much when settling on a pair of 'phones?
I do gaming yes as well as movies and music (though mostly music) - Games on all of the headphones have been fine and immersive, the planars obviously have the upper hand in gaming because of the increased soundstage and imagine capabilities as well as the low bass extension giving added immersion. If the soundstage and imaging wasn't there then I'd not pick those headphones as they wouldn't be well suited to gaming. Thankfully the Nano/Sundara are great for gaming as the planars are well rounded, the Nano more so due to their sheer size.
I do gaming yes as well as movies and music (though mostly music) - Games on all of the headphones have been fine and immersive, the planars obviously have the upper hand in gaming because of the increased soundstage and imagine capabilities as well as the low bass extension giving added immersion. If the soundstage and imaging wasn't there then I'd not pick those headphones as they wouldn't be well suited to gaming. Thankfully the Nano/Sundara are great for gaming as the planars are well rounded, the Nano more so due to their sheer size.
Good info, thanks mrk.
Velour/microfibre pads are the way to go for hot weather. You want the pads to breathe if you're using closed back can, open-air cans less of an issue as the air pushing through the entire cup creates breathing naturally although I still wouldn't want leather contact surface on my ears/head because it just gets a bit grim if the weather gets too toasty.

Thankyou. Just googled and see the default ones on X2 are memory foam, so if my experience of a memory foam mattress is anything to go by then that explains it.
Yes the Momentum I'm only using at work as it's kept at a constant temp but even then it can get a trad grim if I'm hot or whatever. Got some antibac wipes in my bag just in case.

Guess I'm just not sure if I'll bother getting pads for my X2's or see what is about in the wireless PM range first. Though I got the X2's for £60 new so at that price I feel I should just keep them around.

Quick Google shows me a few options: Edifier Stax Spirit S3 at £330. HFM Ananda BT at £850 which I'm not comfortable with paying when wired is nearly half. Finally I guess the Audeze Maxwell but they seem heavy but look like a different headband design to Penrose so might be comfortable.
Aside from my general dislike of wires, I guess I'm just trying not to go down the rabbit hole again of AMPS etc, though I'd probably just stick with my SB G6 for my level.
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Been offered a pair of HD800s from a mate for £600, they’re in pretty much brand new condition.

I’m tempted but I no longer have the gear to get the best out of them so it would be £1000+ once I factor that in.
Thankyou. Just googled and see the default ones on X2 are memory foam, so if my experience of a memory foam mattress is anything to go by then that explains it.
Yes the Momentum I'm only using at work as it's kept at a constant temp but even then it can get a trad grim if I'm hot or whatever. Got some antibac wipes in my bag just in case.

Guess I'm just not sure if I'll bother getting pads for my X2's or see what is about in the wireless PM range first. Though I got the X2's for £60 new so at that price I feel I should just keep them around.

Quick Google shows me a few options: Edifier Stax Spirit S3 at £330. HFM Ananda BT at £850 which I'm not comfortable with paying when wired is nearly half. Finally I guess the Audeze Maxwell but they seem heavy but look like a different headband design to Penrose so might be comfortable.
Aside from my general dislike of wires, I guess I'm just trying not to go down the rabbit hole again of AMPS etc, though I'd probably just stick with my SB G6 for my level.

Keep in mind the STAX Spirit S3, whilst a very good closed back planar, only supports up to aptX-HD, no aptX-LL or other low latency codec so if you are gaming then you will experience latency. I had the S3 recently and reviewed them accordingly. Great music/movie headphones though and the headband and earpads (they contain a gel like material and are "cool" thermally) are very comfortable I found.

Also if you're using wireless heapdhones on Windows then keep in mind that you won't be getting to use any of the higher codecs that a headphone might support as Windows always selects a lesser codec by default. The only way to change this is to install the Alternative A2DP driver which allows you to force Windows to use a specific codec. The driver only costs £7 or so and has a 7 day free trial and is very much worth it for anyone who does connect bluetooth audio output devices on the PC otherwise you aren't getting the best out of what the speakers/headphones are capable of via bluetooth.

Edifier are supposed to be releasing a new update to the S3 too so probably worth waiting a bit and seeing the specs of that. Supposed to be any day now.

Been offered a pair of HD800s from a mate for £600, they’re in pretty much brand new condition.

I’m tempted but I no longer have the gear to get the best out of them so it would be £1000+ once I factor that in.

What other gear though? All you need is a half decent headphone amp, and you can get those as cheap as £100-£150 - Ifi Zen DAC v2 for example would be absolutely ideal for them.
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Keep in mind the STAX Spirit S3, whilst a very good closed back planar, only supports up to aptX-HD, no aptX-LL or other low latency codec so if you are gaming then you will experience latency. I had the S3 recently and reviewed them accordingly. Great music/movie headphones though and the headband and earpads (they contain a gel like material and are "cool" thermally) are very comfortable I found.

Also if you're using wireless heapdhones on Windows then keep in mind that you won't be getting to use any of the higher codecs that a headphone might support as Windows always selects a lesser codec by default. The only way to change this is to install the Alternative A2DP driver which allows you to force Windows to use a specific codec. The driver only costs £7 or so and has a 7 day free trial and is very much worth it for anyone who does connect bluetooth audio output devices on the PC otherwise you aren't getting the best out of what the speakers/headphones are capable of via bluetooth.

Thanks, I'm not really that clued up on the wireless stuff. Like I know my Pixel 6 Pro (nor the latest one) doesn't support one of the higher level codecs but they are still fine for work with a bit of music.
I tried the Mmtms on my PC briefly, I had to disable the microphone to get it out of some weird mono mode which is fine as I don't really do MP comms etc. Also despite the PC being about 1m to my right at desk height, I did find it got randomly choppy, so I suspect a dedicated BT adapter would be on the cards.

£7 for that driver is totally reasonable. Think I need to google a 'tier list' of codecs because if there's one thing that bugs me it's not knowing if I'm getting the best out of a gadget.
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If you do get an adapter then this one is what I use and another forum member got it too after seeing my post about it which then solved their bluetooth woes. It runs a Realtek BT 5.3 chipset so is fully supported out of the box with everything you throw at it: it also has strong reception and range given how small it is.

Thanks again. Apparently having the WiFi antennae plugged in (which it is) on my Mobo (Bluetooth v5.2) also improves BT reception but I tried this with a PS5 controller and it couldn't have being more than about a metre away. For that price I'll just get it right away! I got one free USB on the front of my case, shame that one isn't in USB-C format as got two free there. Though I guess it could still work fine plugged in the back if I wanted to keep a slot open, mainly just used to recharge my keyboard.
Gotta say I am not liking the HiFiMAN suspension band on the headband, it's the same as on the SUndara and Edition XS etc, the band itself is not stretchy which means after long sessions in creates uncomfoy pressure hotspots on the head, only adjusting it sort of takes away some pressure which I need to do every so often.

I am going to take the strap off and install the Custom Cans 1.3mm strap which is stretchy and the weight distribution should be much much better:

It's £20... But if it works then great.
Not specifically gaming but there are lots of channels that have "8D" playlists and tracks. they are very impressive too.


The bassnotes on that above with the Ananda Nano is surreal as is the distancing and the way the music just moves around you in 360 degrees.
Not specifically gaming but there are lots of channels that have "8D" playlists and tracks. they are very impressive too.


The bassnotes on that above with the Ananda Nano is surreal as is the distancing and the way the music just moves around you in 360 degrees.
Just had a listen and oddly this sounded a much more out of headphone experience on my closed Sony xm4 than on my senn hd650. Maybe down to the 360 spatial audio with the sony
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The Custom Cans headband mod arrived today, it smells like high quality leather :cool: It's also very soft compared to the stiff as cardboard stock headband suspension piece:


Custom cans:



It comes with the 3M super sticky tape too:

It no longer applies pressure to any hotspot on the head and as the leather warms up, becomes more stretchy which aids long listening session comfort too. Shame it comes at a cost when at this price of headphone the headband should be perfect but hey ho it is what it is.
Just had a listen and oddly this sounded a much more out of headphone experience on my closed Sony xm4 than on my senn hd650. Maybe down to the 360 spatial audio with the sony

HD600 series are quite intimate soundstage wise and especially female vocals can sound more like they are coming from inside your head than out, but usually less congested with complex music due to the open nature, that 8D demo is relatively simple without a lot of instruments playing at the same time (if you want soundstage the 800s absolutely blow the 600s away).

My Sennheiser MX585 actually have more impressive 3D positioning with that demo than most of my other headphones LOL.
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