WHAT, in God's name

6 Jun 2004
Sandy, Beds
Just watched God's Camp on Channel 4 and cannot believe that the American people are becoming so entrenched in the Dogma of the Church!!.

What ther hell happened to the last 50 years of enlightenment??

Quotes of "Harry Potter is a Devil's conduit" et al, and I thought the Islamic Nation was backward, with their need for Immans to tell them what to believe, and how to think!!:(.

Is there a conspiracy of the "religious nutters" to re-introduce a "you are safe with the Lord" lifestyle?. Does President Bush actually believe in God or have his aides, along with those of the ruling Muslim faith, drawn up lines of engagement for the next 100 years?.

The sooner we eradicate Religion the better in my opinion.......the sowers of bad seed will undoubtately "crucify" robots next.......and of course make them Jewish!!.

FFS, when will this petty "My God is better than yours" vitriole end.

Anyone with a anti-Religion bomb please contact me immediately......I will pay the asking price to end this load of ***** today!!:(

Fully star your swear words

Moved this to GD, because... well do I need to explain?

I think you do......this topic deserves a rational debate, which, because of your apparent attitude to "let's not rock the boat", it will not now get!.

References to "popular culture" (ie) Harry Potter as Devil Worship, are beyond comprehension in a civilised world. Given that only a small percentage of this country's indemic people's are still religious, or have leanings in that direction, why should we (the majority) be subjected to obvious examples of (Godmongering) and expect these examples to constitute a "norm".

It is well established that religious teachings, from an early age (indoctrination?), have an adverse effect upon a population(extreme behaviours), and whilst we may expect third world countries to keep their population ignorant to maintain a modicum of control, it is shocking to say the least that America, allegedly the world's leading economy, and a beacon of "Democracy", should allow, and potentially sanction, such backward thinking amongst it's citizens......unless of course, it too, wants to "dumb down" the population for control purposes?.

That in itself is a worrying trend, given that the British population appears to have been subjected to a "dumbing down" process over the last ten years, (lots of examples of young "graduates" who can't even spell correctly) and whether this is a worldwide phenomenon.

It is of course a "fruitbowl" to say educated people have a choice and a voice, but ill educated people tend to stick to the same fruit they are used to......and control of that fruit has long been in the hands of the Church!!:(
Twit of the day award goes to.....well it's a draw with the OP, gasp

Whilst I'm sure your post has some merit, and is not at all spam or brown-nosing, please be more succint in your rationale. Perhaps you would care to explain why, or how, you came to deem us twits, whilst making no useful comment whatsoever on the content of the original post.

Do you have an opposing view, a different view, any view at all?....if so I would be delighted to hear it.........unless of course you have to talk to someone else first to tell you what to think??!!

This, I am looking forward to;)

In which case I feel you failed to recognise the Irony in the post!!.

Our parents (yours and mine perhaps) gave us a rational and methodical doctrine in which to approach the world in order to make sense of it. The programme I watched (did you?) had a nine year old girl "prioritising" whom she thought would be more receptive to God, and celebrating her ability to manipulate that person with her father, who showered praise on her for her "good work"!!:(

Take a cold, hard look at religion, and, if you can, explain to me how it would work if young people were not indoctrinated at an early age.

Would sixteen and seventeen year old (in this country) , with no prior knowledge of religion, suddenly convert en masse through "free choice"?, would they queue up to hear Sunday services and pack out Churches throughout the land?
How absolutely delicious gentlemen, as I have watched the debate unfold, and as usual, denegrate, into the "fixed attitudes" of the masses!.

Whilst 99% of the posts have, as as expected, conformed to the "norm", I have been delighted to see Mr Squirell take a stand, and he has, of course, been villified, as ignorant, as have I. Huzzar for you, who hold the world in your hand, for you are truly enlightened!!

It is with regret that I "pop your bubble", and have been branded "ignorant" by many, that I ask the question..........so how many of you so called "intellectuals". have been verified as such???

You happily seem to deem the "absence of norm" to be anti-social, yet condone the British Government in it's Foreign Policy.

You happily seem to deem the "absence of norm" to relate to Child Abuse, yet would condone it as a "secular movement" because it was, in the words of a member, "a small minority, who do not represent Christ".

It is easy, is it not, to make excuses for certain individuals to "tarnish" the name of God, but evident also, that the name of God, and Religion in general, is used to further the aims of individuals.

Ignorance in my book, is the inability to see beyond what you are told and fed, and the norm is just a "cntrol method".

Nothing I have read in the debate, has led me to believe that any of you, would challenge any accepted doctrines, lest you fall from favour of the "pack".

I note, with interest, that Mark has questioned the validity of the Jewish nation, their actions, and outcome,........take a lead gentlemen, expand your horizons........and think (if only for five minutes) what the World might truly be like without religious influence.

Could it be possible to have a National Charter of Behaviour that did not include reference to "a being that may or not may have existed", It is possible that somewhere in America, they tell the "true" story of someone called Christ?!.

It's the eternal easy option to say "it's not the religion, it's the people practising it that cause the problems".........but again, the original arguement, if it didn't exist, what would the World be like??

Now come on you "Intellectuals", ye seers of "Ignorance" who would deem common thought mere but commonplace, as opposed to denegrating let's have you re-generating, make your speeches for compliance!!.

An interesting point I should note before you post......."

"Innovation and change has never occured within a norm, for the norm validate and incubate, but have no eyes beyond the obvious" Dingo 2008

.....and in you eyes I see??
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