What iPhone apps would you like to see?

Well pretty much every single app you mentioned in your want list is available to you right now if you jailbreak. What do you think can go wrong? You click on a 'Go' button and it does everything for you. If something did go wrong you could just restore the original firmware on it. Considering this is an overclocking site it always surprises me that a simple and completely reversible tweak on a mobile phone is considered scary to some people.

did it this morning. Curiosity got the better of me. Installed the apps I was interested in and have been using them all day. I'm totally underwhelmed by all of them. Think I'll wait for the official stuff; I'm in no hurry.
did it this morning. Curiosity got the better of me. Installed the apps I was interested in and have been using them all day. I'm totally underwhelmed by all of them. Think I'll wait for the official stuff; I'm in no hurry.

What are your specific gripes? How can you be underwhelmed by a terminal application (one which is the best I've ever used on a mobile phone), ftp client or an IM client? How would you improve any of them? :confused:
What are your specific gripes? How can you be underwhelmed by a terminal application (one which is the best I've ever used on a mobile phone), ftp client or an IM client? How would you improve any of them? :confused:
I didn't try the terminal or FTP because I don't need them right now. The IM didn't even work, I didn't like the interface of the money app, I prefer the newsgator rss app because it syncs with netnewswire and that's about all I tried. The whole experience just felt really cheap. I know it's free but like I said I'm prepared to wait for something that has more polish.
msn client
mobile scrobbler
RSS reader
Google toolbar (this multiple bookmarks is doing my nut in)
The ability to update podcasts OTA
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