what is cupid dust! ( random i know)

fatiain said:
"Hi, I'm using this line from my geek advisers off the forum, Would you like to go out for a drink? Tomorrow?"

Fair heart never won favour (or something)

The actual quote is 'Faint heart never won fair lady'


I concur with the majority - get in there :D

Ask her out to the pictures or something (since you're too young to take her for a drink ;)).

Stan :)
Hello is always a good start. Just go and talk to her.

Jesus, kids these days don't want to learn by doing :p

Ant :cool:
Nitefly said:
Did you think it meant 'cupid dust struck'?

Go on, be honest :p

I was thinking that.. i think he deserves silly twonk status.. no matter what he says! But definitely for asking relationship advice from us lot.

As has been said. Walk up to her, with a slight limp to look like a gangster. Whip it out.. whap her in the face till she is on her knees.. need i say more! Works every time.
gord said:
I was thinking that.. i think he deserves silly twonk status.. no matter what he says! But definitely for asking relationship advice from us lot.

The OcUK forum has been proven many times to be bloomin amazing for monogamous pulling. However we can't seem to get polygamy going down too well yet. :D
Chris, i think you should first tell her you and your girlfriend have broken up, she still assumes you two are together... ;) but cupid dust? Surely its the same as pixie dust? :o
SideWinder said:
Chris, i think you should first tell her you and your girlfriend have broken up, she still assumes you two are together... ;) but cupid dust? Surely its the same as pixie dust? :o
Which is NOTHING to do with Angel dust! :D
If peter pan has taught me anything, and i'm sure it hasn't - that 'pixie' dust will allow you to fly!
Chris01 said:
hey all,

wtf is cupid dust?????

ive just checked my myspace and have seen this from some1 sent on valentines day (who i really like lol)

I feel like such a retard posting it but can some1 tell me what is is???
Sir, you are officially stupid...
Unfortunately, I think it does say cupid dust and I think it's a term used to symbolise a relationship that has just turned to dust. In your case it might mean that the feelings she once had for you are now gone and you've missed your chance. You'll know for sure if she lets you pork her or not :D
thanks for all your help guys
its official, im retarded :p
ill tell her how me and my g/f broke up on monday, then wait 3-4 weeks, then go for the kill!
I really hope it works out, shes given me signs before, but i just wasnt sure.
Also we are really good freinds i.e. see each other out of college, play tennis etc and i dont want to ruin a really good friendship.
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