What is Sky broadband like?

18 Dec 2004
Either phone them up (08442 41 05 15) or simply email them.

If you phone I'd suggest calling after 2300 when you'll be able to speak to someone in the UK who will be better placed to direct your call to their Tier3 (CST) dept, as I've said before they're the only ones that have the facilities to lower your max delays (which will in turn lower your ping/latency)

If you decide to email they're looking at a swift turnaround for emailed customer enquiries and your would be dealt with by an agent on one of the Kana teams who will also be able to assist :)

This is my email to them - took them 1 working day to sort mine out:

Email to Sky said:

I am having technical difficulties


Slow Connection

Dear Support, I am an active gamer and having purchased a Playstation3 I would very much like to play online games often. Unfortunately, this experience has not been as hoped due to my high ping (latency). I would therefore kindly request that the max delay on my line's connection profile be reduced so as to reduce the interleave ping. I understand that Tier 3 have been processing such requests to assist online gamers and would kindly request your assistance in the same light. Thanking you in anticipation, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx.

Hey, it worked for me...
18 Dec 2004
I take it if it does work then you get line instability, you have to look like a tit and ask them to put it back up again. lol

They say to inform them if the line becomes unstable. Mine has been as stable as ever though. TBH, I wouldn't care less if I needed to ask them to revert it back to normal, I am the consumer after all.
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
I take it if it does work then you get line instability, you have to look like a tit and ask them to put it back up again. lol

When you contact Sky there will be a ticket with a reference number created in relation to your particular issue. This will be updated will all the relevant information and any changes made to your line configuration.

Once these changes have been implemented the ticket will be left open for a further 72 hours in order to allow you to monitor the status of the connection. It's no big issue if you have to contact them again within this timescale, any previous changes made will be easily available to the agent you speak to and they'll be able to deal with your query accordingly
7 Dec 2007
Swansea, Wales
yea my ping is pretty high with sky 8meg, in steam games its usually about 80-120 and with wow its usually 200+ and bf2 its 65 at the best but usually pushing the 100 mark. been seeing what i can do to reduce this and had a look at the ring wire mod.... but had already been done :p when i look at the stats the line aug is about 40db and the SNR is usually about 8-10 but sometimes goes as low as 2 :( this sucks right? what can be done to make this better? ive tried plugging it into the engineers master socket.... no difference. we did only get the net about 2 or 3 weeks ago so maybe they are still fiddling with it (hope it will just get better) but is there anything i can do as i remember when i had virgin 2mb my pings were sometimes as low as 15 :( and now i only live 10 houses up the road on the same street :p
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