What is Sli and Tri sli?

Well I wont ask another question, Ill just sit back and watch you lot answering questions that no one knows the answer to! because if someone knows the answer it will already be on the internet.
No-ones up there own arses, its just that when you have spent years on forums spending valuable time trying to help people, you start to notice things like this and try to provide a bit of guidance. Yes, no-one likes being told that their question is stupid and could be searched for in 1 second, but that's life... and maybe he'll make a bit more effort in future to do a little research first.

Thats a rubbish argument and you know it. Your question was a bit like asking "Whats a CPU" or "Whats overclocking" and then expecting to sit back and have others get the info for you instead of spending 3 seconds doing a bit of reading yourself. Fair enough if the question is one that we can help with and provide a bit of guidance, but forums are not there for people who spend time helping/advising others to be used as your own personal Google tool. Just make a bit of effort before posting a thread, help works both ways. :)

Well for one thing I wont be having you telling me what I can and cannot do.
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