And a lager tops is worth trying if you don't like just lager, rather than a half and half.
Lager Top - no s
I did once hear someone go to a bar and order a lemonade bottom though.
No way.
That's the best lager, terrible to spoil it with lemonade!
If you don't like lager, try something smoother.
Guinness is really nice once you get used to the feeling of it
Guinness is horrid stuff.
I do enjoy guinnes. However I also like shandy and it's not always appropriate to drink a guiness. For e.g. during the day.
For e.g. during the day or when driving.
<Stands up> I like shandy too <Sits down>
Peroni works well for me. 330ml bottle and fill the rest of the pint with Lemonade.