What is the human race end game?



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Interesting topic when you think about. Do you think the human race has an end game? Perhaps one day we reach a point where we can extend life indefinitely through medical means or living on in virtual worlds. Will there come a point where we have reached peak technology where people will no longer need to work?

What are we working towards as a human race. Consumerism seems to be big driving force.
1.Kg7! h4 2.Kf6! h3 3.Ke6 (or Ke7) h2 4.c7! Kb7 5.Kd8=
Or 1.Kg7! Kb7 2.Kf6! h4 3.Ke5! h3 (…Kxc6 4.Kf4=) 4.Kd6! h2 5.c7 h1Q 6.c8Q=

There is no Endgame. People don't look past their own short lifespan.
Immortality. That would begin discussion of Endgames. :P
There's never going to be a point at which we say "all done, let's sit back and relax now". For starters, that would require the whole population of the world agreeing on what the ideal world would look like, and I think we all know that's not even remotely possible. Also, generally speaking it's not in human nature to be content (individuals can achieve this, although most don't) so even if we did all agree then once we got there, we'd want more.
This is partly why I'm very individualistic in my approach to life. Even if you defined and created the perfect society, people would still be dissatisfied and want something more / different. There's no objectively ideal way for society to be run which is why it tends to always be defined by conflict between different ideologies.
To comment on the examples you gave, I don't find living indefinitely in this world particularly appealing and there would inevitably be some downsides. People no longer needing to work would depend on the generosity of those in power (or the general populace) rather than the tech available per se. I mean, it's not like everyone is working to create enough food for the world population to survive so we could easily survive with most people doing jack **** now. The processes involved in producing food / clean water / housing etc would still be owned by someone, and they'd want something in return. That's before you consider how anyone would pay for something that is deemed non-essential if no one is working (this is basically why socialism / communism isn't a good idea, but that's not something I'm keen to get into again).
There is so human end game as humans are inherently selfish, so most individuals end game is to improve their own survivability. However, in the modern age survivability is high (in western/more affluent populations), so this survivability is defined by your monetary wealth due to the ever spinning consumerist treadmill learning how to hack our dopamine receptors and affect evolution.

Because of this the human race will, unfortunately, continue to be self serving from the bottom all the way to the top until either our actions end the species or it's ended due a natural external force.

Happy Thursday everyone!
Recently read Civilised to Death by Christopher Ryan, and I think there's an argument to be made that we've already gone past the best of times/end game, which was just before the "invention", or adoption of agriculture.
We have a few billion years to work out interstellar travel and colonisation of extra terrestrial planets before the Sun starts burning Helium and scorches the Earth to a cinder.
either we reach out and colonise the solar system before exhausting earth or we dont.

then either we travel to the stars before the sun burns out or we dont

then we travel to different universes before this one ends or we dont.

ofc during this whole time we either destroy ourselves or we dont.
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