What is the oldest Apple Computer you own?

I have an old Sawtooth G4 running music playback duties, not really any good for much else. It's being migrated to a VM sometime soon.
Probably an old "Apple II" that my mother has.

No pictures im afraid. My mother used to sell computers back in the early 80's.

When i found this out i probably geeked out with her for a couple hours! She said the Apple Lisa, however lovely it was, was so far ahead of it's time and being so expensive it didn't sell. People just couldn't understand the use for it.
Oldest Mac I've owned was an iMac G5, however it's not the oldest I've used.

They had some shocking system 7 machines in school *shudder*
PowerMac G4 Digital Audio 466 or 533 (I forget which) with 3/4 Gig SDRAM 133.. doing not much but looking pretty. Occasional torrent box when I am way with the MacBook which normally has those 24/7 duties. Running Tiger. Perfectly usuable machine. It was a junker that was to be thrown out... cost $2000 in 2001, cost me $0 in 2009.

The most recent version of iTunes runs fine on it and on Tiger in general.
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I have a Beige PowerMac G3 266, though it's in need of a few parts to get it running again.

Also have a Graphite PowerMac G4 Dual 400 that is happily running in the living room, and a PowerMac G5 1.6 that I'm either going to sell or hook up to the living room TV.
I have a Beige PowerMac G3 266, though it's in need of a few parts to get it running again.

Also have a Graphite PowerMac G4 Dual 400 that is happily running in the living room, and a PowerMac G5 1.6 that I'm either going to sell or hook up to the living room TV.

Are you interested in selling it at all? at a later date?
Oldest I own is the very last PowerBook G4 ever released, the one that was released the October before the Intel MacBook Pro's came out (January).


Oldest I remember using is the original transparent coloured iMac in high school. I think I've used some earlier PowerMac's when I was in primary school, but can't remember.
A PowerMac Dual G5 running headless with WiFi in the kitchen. It can be mistaken for a giant cheese grater.
I have a G4 I got free from work

Replaced the whining hard drive and put 1gb of RAM into it

It runs Tiger alright :)
Probably an old "Apple II" that my mother has.

No pictures im afraid. My mother used to sell computers back in the early 80's.

When i found this out i probably geeked out with her for a couple hours! She said the Apple Lisa, however lovely it was, was so far ahead of it's time and being so expensive it didn't sell. People just couldn't understand the use for it.

Most interesting post this thread imho. :)
Oldest owned:
1st Gen Mac Mini (Intel Core Duo). It's powered on right now in fact - still running 10.4 too. :)

Oldest used:
Macintosh II (probably the closest Apple got to the 'PC look'). System 7 wasn't good enough for me so I ported X Windows to it. :D
Macintosh Classic and LC. Had labs full of them at Uni - used entirely for word processing. :D

I did come across an Apple II once, but never got to use it.
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