What is the oldest Apple Computer you own?

I have an iBook G4 sitting in a cupboard somewhere. I keep meaning to dig out the box for it every time I'm back at my parents so I can pop it on the bay.
i recently got rid of my mac plus from my parents loft that was gathering dust!

i did all my GCSE Essays on that thing with a dot matrix printer!

so now i'm left with my poxy 2008 iMac
I only own a Macbook but I know my aunt has an old Macintosh Classic.

Still going strong as well I believe.
No point in me really commenting in this thread, I never keep my Mac's long enough to expire the warranty! :o

**Although my first Mac, was a G4 Mac Mini and the rest they say is history**
PowerMac 7300/200.

Still works, but the 2GB SCSI hard drive needs a whack to unstick the heads! Boots OS9... incredibly slowly.
Oldest I own is the very last PowerBook G4 ever released, the one that was released the October before the Intel MacBook Pro's came out (January).


Oldest I remember using is the original transparent coloured iMac in high school. I think I've used some earlier PowerMac's when I was in primary school, but can't remember.

My flat mates made the same mistake. They both bought powermacs around November, after I told them that the Intel based ones were round the corner.

Early 2008 Mac Pro :)

I supported the Apple IIe many years ago but I was never a 'user' of it.
Early 2008 Mac Pro :)

I supported the Apple IIe many years ago but I was never a 'user' of it.

You supported them? Like a glory supporter? :confused:

Apples are machines either for people who aren't in the least bit technical and just want something that works, or creative people who recognise that the software packages and platform has advantages over windows.

Of course now they are lifestyle product, most people just go "shiny".
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